On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 01:24:21PM -0400, Derek J. Balling wrote:
> >As a side note: have you considered that using the encryption in pptp
> >forces you to store userpasswords in cleartext? For my ISP [1] that was
> >a reason not to use pptp's encryption, especially since MS-CHAPv2
> >contains known security holes [2].
> Yes, unfortunately, for our predominant workstation (Win98), M$'s 
> PPTP client is ubiquitous and other solutions are not necessarily so 
> commonly deployed.
> D
> (who would LOVE to move to a _MORE_ secure solution, but is content, 
> for now, to only allow himself and one other to even have accounts on 
> the box with the cleartext passwds)

Ugh.. I'd never be content with cleartext passwords, especially given
how many security solutions are around today.

              .-"".__."``".   Anne Carasik, System Administrator
 .-.--. _...' (/)   (/)   ``'   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(O/ O) \-'      ` -="""=.    ',  Center for Advanced Computing Research    

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