On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 04:05:54PM +0200, Lars Roland Kristiansen wrote:
> Here is where i am now - if i dont run iptables it all works - for some
> reason closing all the ports and setting the deafult policy to deny dosent
> seam to work (if i then after set smtp, pop3 ssh to allow). But setting
> the default policy to allow and then useing nmap to detect what ports that
> are open and then closing them via iptables seam to work ok. (but only if
> use another script than /etc/init.d/iptables) ???

Type iptables -vL to find out, what your configuration is. If I
understand right, iptables seems to be configurated differently when
doing it by hand then when doing it by script.

Sent the output to the list if still not succesfull.
Set the default policy to drop, and open the ports as you need them.
The last line in the configuration is something like

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j LOG 

Every packet, which doesn't get accepted is logged (to the console I

Log all the packets on the interface in question using 
tcpdump -i interface (also read the manpages for further information).
> thanks for the help

You are welcome

> ___
> Mvh./Yours sincerely
> Lars 
> ========================================================================
> Lars Roland Kristiansen             | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Stu. Sci. Math/Computer science     | TLF(home):    39670663 
> Copenhagen University -             | Home address: Emdrupvej 175 
> Institute for Mathematical Sciences | C/O Rune Bruhn 2400 Copenhagen NV 
> Url: www.math.ku.dk                 |
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