> > We seriouslly need a US branch of the law-enforcement to deal
> > with this sort of stuff. I think if more people got prosecuted for
> > trying to crack into a site, the level of BS would drop to zero.
> Yeah!  And what if the attacker is from a other country?
> You cannot just bomb 'em for terrorist action, can you?

I'm not even going to touch that one.  You've obviously got an
agenda beyond what we're discussing.

Hey, I've actually considered blocking ALL traffic from europe because of
the headache of having crackers trying to "shake the locks and lift the
windows" almost daily.  Its getting nuts.  If I could find a safe and sure
way to block all traffic from non-US issued IP blocks, I would...
thats fair to me, isn't that fair to you?  Heck, if it wasn't for spoofing,
it'd work and I'd be happy...  I have no problem with not letting
european's/non-us people into my network.  Personally, they have no
reason to be there...

> I think the net is freedom, and that is good...
> ...you are responsable for your own security!

No offense, but ALL of the business I do is from the United States.
I have never made one penny from outside of the US.
Sorry dude, but your argument of a "free Internet" doesn't work here
in the capitalist world where we are paying for the Internet. To
me, its not free...

Thanks to the "freedom" of the Internet, I have to budget in
security checks every week to ensure my network is free
of  the so called  'freedom fighters'.

Its costing a lot of money to run on this "free Internet" that
you speak of...  That "responsibility" comes at an expense.

In the "real world", we have a law enforcement that backs up
the security of this country/state/town etc.  Its what we pay
for in the way of taxes.  I think if the "real world" was run like
the Internet, it would be Helter Skelter and mass hysteria.

But then again, who knows...

> --
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> http://www.gmx.net

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