On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, NN_il_Confusionario wrote: > On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 12:29:27AM -0600, John Reinke wrote: > > the ones concerned. On my plain potato box, I get: > > SSH Version OpenSSH_2.3.0p1, protocol versions 1.5/2.0. > Quite probably you are vunlnerable to this and many previous > attacks. > Did you install the unofficial kde2 for potato? I tkink it had > a contrib or so section with that version of openssh
Thanks for the quick and excellent info. You were right, I had added KDE to my sources list, and it updated my OpenSSH. I removed KDE from my list, purged and reinstalled OpenSSH. That doesn't explain why I have applications complaining about my locale settings, which started around the same time I added the KDE source, but that's a different topic... John