Hi, all of you probably got the following mail:
From: Tim Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 21:02:45 +0000 (GMT) Subject: Re: root's home world readable (part 24 of 24) Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> With the following content: Unusual System Events =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Feb 1 04:58:15 sunbird uservd[19110]: call connected Feb 1 04:58:15 sunbird uservd/check[19109]: uservd[535] is running Feb 1 04:58:15 sunbird uservd[19110]: call connected Feb 1 04:58:15 sunbird uservd/check[19109]: uservd[535] is running OK, I kind of understand, why I got this one: It came over the list. But I got a bunch of messages to root (and some privileged user) of sunbird.aimcomm.com which did not come over the list. How is this possible? Andreas Goesele