On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 06:39:44PM -0600, David Ehle wrote:
> Kriss,
> This has to be the most interesting piece of SPAM i've ever run across...
> but this is NOT the correct forum for it. Please refrain from sending
> anything not pertaining to Debian Security to this list in the future.

I would've thought that at least the poeple on debian-security would be
cluey enough to not confirm legit email addresses for spammers. :)

SOCCER PLAYER IN GENITAL-BITING SCANDAL  ---  "It was something between
friends that I thought would have no importance until this morning when
I got up and saw all  the commotion in the news,"  Gallardo told a news
conference. "It stunned me."
Reyes told Marca that he had "felt a slight pinch."
      -- http://www.azcentral.com/offbeat/articles/1129soccer29-ON.html

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