hi ya steve... when you write a program... you usually pass variables around...
the system keeps a "stack of return address/variables" ..what to do next... the rootkits tries to make the return address of "foo" program to give them root access.. - so much for my simplied one-liners.. - a simplified picture... http://www.cse.ogi.edu/DISC/projects/immunix/StackGuard/usenixsc98_html/node5.html have fun linuxing alvin On 23 Jan 2002, Steve Johnson wrote: > this may seem trivial but i've never really understood how a buffer > overflow happens and effects your system, i have some knowledge of > programming, but not much at low levels. like dealing direct with > memory or devices(other than using standard pointers and reading and > writing to devices thruough file pointers). anyone to offer any > explanation will be showered with greatness!