On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 09:16:05AM -0800, J C Lawrence wrote:
> On 17 Jan 2002 07:06:37 +0100 
> eim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was thinking about a partition for /, one for boot, one for
> > /var/spool/mail and some other important system parts.
> MTAs are inherently disk IO bound.  As such, if possible devote a
> spindle to /var/spool/mail and do what you can to reduce other
> system IO (eg turn of syslog fsync()).  If you can't do that (and it
> sounds like you can't), then use the appropriate RAID types.

I suggest making a separate /var/spool/exim or /var/spool/postfix for
queued, bounced, frozens,... messages.

Easter-eggs                                Spécialiste GNU/Linux
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