hi ya

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Phillip Hofmeister wrote:

> I'll flame you now because you were wrong (As you requested).
>  IPCHAINS works with 2.2, IPTABLES works with 2.4...

and if you're really desperate
you can run ipchains with the 2.4 kernels by insmod'ing ipchains
and start your ipchains rules as normal

<flame suit on>
have fun linuxing
<aint taking it off>

-- well ... i just found this trick today... what can i say...

bash-2.05# uname -a
Linux w.x.y 2.4.10 #1 SMP Tue Oct 23 15:54:51 KST 2001 i686 unknown

bash-2.05# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ipchains               45072   0 

-- nope ... its not my rules... but they like it...oh well...
bash-2.05# ipchains -L
=========================== on a 2.4 kernel...
Chain input (policy DENY):
target     prot opt     source                destination           ports
DENY       all  ------  anywhere                  n/a
DENY       all  ------  anywhere          n/a
DENY       udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any ->
DENY       tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any ->
DENY       udp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any ->
DENY       tcp  ------  anywhere             anywhere              any ->

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