> On Friday, December 21, 2001, at 03:25 , Gary MacDougall wrote: > > > Wouldn't it be nice to be able to run the kernel in "secure mode"? > > I'm curious to know if we could limit the amount of "root exploits" > > by this method, it would REALLY harden up security on a > > Linux box... anyone have any opinions on that? > > No, it wouldn't, at least from someone who is determined to hack > your box in particular (as opposed to a script kiddy who just > wants zombies). Script kiddies for the most part can be stopped > fairly easily by making their rootkit fail. Examples: > o Mount filesystems read-only. > o Make disks physically read-only [e.g., CD-ROM] > o apt-get remove gcc > and, most important: > o apt-get update && apt-get upgrade > > Remember, exec'ing a shell is just convenient; no reason you > can't, for example, just make normal syscalls like > open/close/read/write to do your dirty work. I'm sure, given > enough time attacking, you could manage to malloc enough memory > to upload bash/csh/tcsh/ksh/etc. and then execute it without > even touching the exec syscall.
No, actually, if you read my previous messages, I proposed that the kernel protect against "buffer overruns" by limiting or restricting the event *after* the overrun occurs. Someone said that St. Jude was what I was looking for, and I think its pretty much *exactly* what I was pointing out. > The problem you're trying to solve is to get the kernel to > refuse to execute exploit code. Exploit code looks just like any > other code to CPU. Good luck trying to get the kernel to tell > the difference. The problem really isn't the code that an exploit executes, the problem is that the exploit can allow for "root" access by allowing the malicious code to spawn a new shell. > In short: Would EPERM from exec stop a script kiddie? Probably. > Would it stop a dedicated attacker? No. Ok, maybe i'm missing something, but a "script kiddie" basically needs access to your box to trojan it right? An attacker, needs access to the box to attack it, right? Whats the difference? I don't see the difference. A "dedicated attacker" in my mind is probably someone who wants to take ownership of the box and do malicious stuff. A script kiddie wants to pretty much plant a trojan to have access to the box whenever they want... whats the difference? g.