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I am a newbie to this list, so please forgive if something may be a 

First of all I want to forward a Security Announcement. Since I run 
wuftpd on some server I'd like to know if I am vulnerable with debian 
(2.2r4) too. 

Is there a place where to find pending issues for debian?


Hendrik Naumann

- ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------
Subject: [suse-security-announce] SuSE Security Announcement: wuftpd 
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 23:55:25 +0100 (MET)
From: Roman Drahtmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



                        SuSE Security Announcement

        Package:                wuftpd
        Announcement-ID:        SuSE-SA:2001:043
        Date:                   Wednesday, Nov. 28th, 2001 23:45 MET
        Affected SuSE versions: 6.3, 6.4, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
        Vulnerability Type:     remote root compromise
        Severity (1-10):        7
        SuSE default package:   no
        Other affected systems: all liunx-like systems using wu-ftpd
 2.4.x / 2.6.0 / 2.6.1

        Content of this advisory:
        1) security vulnerability resolved: wuftpd
           problem description, discussion, solution and upgrade
 information 2) pending vulnerabilities, solutions, workarounds
        3) standard appendix (further information)


1)  problem description, brief discussion, solution, upgrade

    The wuftpd package as shipped with SuSE Linux distributions comes
 with two versions of wuftpd: wuftpd-2.4.2, installed as
 /usr/sbin/wuftpd, and wuftpd-2.6.0, installed as
    The admin decides which version to use by the inetd/xinetd

    The CORE ST Team had found an exploitable bug in all versions of
 wuftpd's ftpglob() function.
    The glob function overwrites buffer bounds while matching open
 and closed brackets. Due to a missing \0 at the end of the buffer a
 later call to a function that frees allocated memory will feed
 free(3) with userdefined data. This bug could be exploited depending
 on the implementation of the dynmaic allocateable memory API
 (malloc(3), free(3)) in the libc library. Linux and other system are

    Some weeks ago, an internal source code audit of wu-ftpd 2.6.0
 performed by Thomas Biege, SuSE Security, revealed some other
 security related bugs that are fixed in the new RPM packages.
 Additionally, code from wu-ftpd 2.6.1 were backported to version
 2.6.0 to make it more stable.

    A temporary fix other than using a different server
 implementation of the ftp protocol is not available. We recommend to
 update the wuftpd package on your system.

    We thank the wuftpd team for their work on the bug, particularly
 because the coordination between the vendors and the wuftpd
 developers lacked the necessary discipline for the timely release of
 the information about the problem.

    Please download the update package for your distribution and
 verify its integrity by the methods listed in section 3) of this
 announcement. Then, install the package using the command "rpm -Uhv
 file.rpm" to apply the update.

- -- SNIP --


- -- SNIP --

2)  Pending vulnerabilities in SuSE Distributions and Workarounds:

    - ssh/openssh exploits
      The wrong fix for the crc32-compensation attack is currently
 actively exploited in the internet for both the ssh and the openssh
 implementation of the ssh-1 protocol.
      We urge our users to upgrade their ssh or openssh packages to
 the latest versions that are located on our ftp server at the usual
 directories, referred to via
      http://www.suse.de/de/support/security/adv004_ssh.txt from
 February earlier this year.
      Please note, the packages for the SuSE Linux distributions 7.0
 and older containing cryptographic code are located on the German
 ftp server ftp.suse.de, the distributions 7.1 and newer have their
 crypto updates on ftp.suse.com. There are legal constraints beyond
 our control that lead to this situation.
      Openssh packages of the version 2.9.9p2 ready to download on
 the ftp server ftp.suse.com. They fix the security problems
 mentioned above, along with a set of less serious security problems.
      The announcement is still pending while investigations about
 the status of the package are in progress.

    - libgtop_daemon
      The libgtop_daemon, part of the libgtop package for gathering
 and monitoring process and system information, has been found
 vulnerable to a format string error. We are in the process of
 providing fixes for the affected distributions 6.4-7.3. In the
 meanwhile, we recommend to disable the libgtop_daemon on systems
 where it is running. This daemon is neither installed nor started
 (if installed) by default on SuSE Systems.

    - kernel updates
      A bug in the elf loader of the linux kernels version 2.4 from
 our announcement SSA:2001:036 can cause a system to crash if a user
 executes a vmlinux kernel image. We are preparing another update
 series to workaround this problem and will re-issue the kernel
 announcement as soon as possible.

- -------------------------------------------------------

- -- 
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