On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 01:22:10PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> is any one on this whole wide world able to help me with the heartbeat 
> package? I want to use it with debian sid, neither the sid package nor the 
> rpm/tgz from the website linux-ha.org are working?!

What's exactly your problem? I have some gateways here running woody
and using heartbeat for failover, works perfectly well.

If it's not of interest on this list (I think it's a bit off topic)
contact me personally or lets take over to debian-isp for example.

Greetings, Joerg

  \ Joerg Wendland \ systems / network administrator, ITSec, Scan Plus GmbH
   \  *joergland*   \ Moerikestrasse 5, 89077 Ulm, Germany
    \                \ fon +49-731-92013-21, fax +49-731-6027146
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