also sprach Christian Kurz (on Fri, 31 Aug 2001 04:15:55PM +0200):
> > process accounting. process accounting.
> Would you care to explain that a bit more and especially compare it with
> ident protocol (advantages and disadvantages)?

process accounting is simply the kernel keeping track of all commands
executed by selected users. logged with timestamp, execution time, and
whatever not...

since you failed to present me with other sensible uses of identd
other than identifying users who abused your system (via another admin
i must say), process accounting has no disadvantages... it has many
advantages because you don't depend on other admins' capability to do
ident lookups, and because process accounting is specifically designed
to do this - identd wasn't.

> > it tells you the uid. for root, that's 'root' and that's pretty damn
> > sensitive information right there...
> Argh, wrong again. Would you now mind reading the RfC describing the
> "Ident Protocol"? It's possible to run ident daemons, which don't tell
> you an name or uid. Why don't you inform yourself before making wrong
> claims?

it's not a wrong claim as there are prolly millions of linux users out
there who install standard basic identd that do nothing but give out
usernames according to the owners of connections. sure, oidentd and
others have features that "defy" this traditional idea, but seriously
- how many people are using that. ask around, and the main reason why
people (who aren't quite professionals like you...) run identd is
because of IRC.

thanks, i know quite well what ident is.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"it is the mark of an educated mind
 to be able to entertain a thought
 without accepting it."
                                                        -- aristoteles

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