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>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Srdic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stefan> So far, I've successfully configure pam_smbpass.so to sync UNIX
Stefan> and SAMBA passwords for my networked users. However, I was as
Stefan> successfull in configuring pam_tmpdir.so to restrict user and
Stefan> program access to the /tmp directory.

(I'm assuming you're missing a "not" in that last sentence?)

pam_tmpdir doesn't restrict user access to /tmp.  Rather, it creates a
directory called /tmp/user/[uid], where [uid] is the user number, and
sets $TMPDIR and $TMP to /tmp/user/[uid].  /tmp/user is only
read/writable by root (but executable by anyone, so you can get to your
temporary directory), and /tmp/user/[uid] is only read/write/executable
by that user.

Programs should then use /tmp/user/[uid] to store temporary files.
Unfortunately, some programs are hard-coded to use /tmp instead of
checking the $TMPDIR and $TMP variables (and some programs probably have
good reason to use /tmp, too).

It seems like the main reason for pam_tmpdir is to prevent symlink
attacks, and it's also useful for preventing people from snooping around
in your temporary files.  But it is not meant to control access to /tmp.

- -- 
Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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