> yup, which is why nobody gets root but me.  if i ever for some reason
> decided to go back to sysadmin work a criteria for employment would be
> that no manager, sales guy, or other morons would be permitted access
> to root for ANY REASON, period, end of story.  
> as for sudo for my own purposes i don't see the point, i don't want my
> normal account to be a root account nor do i want my user passwd to be
> a/the root passwd.  the logging is nothing more then an annoyance
> since i know what i run anyway.  

I agree that sudo is not secure enough.
But, if you refer the orginal question, seems sudo is the best sol'n.

Security or Finish the task.
Which would you choose.

> -- 
> Ethan Benson
> http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/

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