Hi > On Sat, 17 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > i am sure that is note the case, > > the only requirement is that the target media is the > > same size or larger? > > Indeed. Most filesystems, including ext2, are independent of the disk > geometry. So you can "dd" _partitions_ (eg /dev/hda1) from smaller to > larger disks, then add additional partitions if you want to take advantage > of the extra space. The geometry is only relevant is you want to "dd" > entire disks (eg /dev/hda). Alternatively you can tar the whole system --
and in effect we are talking about "cloning" an entire disk from an installed system to n other systems. Speak for cloning a single partition then i suggest a simple 'cp -ax /mount_point_of_original_parition /mount_point_of_target_partiton' the 'a' stand for archive (recursive and same permission) and with the 'x' the copy don't go out the indicated filesystem. you can find the same suggestion in How-To/Large-Disk --- ;---+---; bye | bye |hor