Hi! It's not a security problem, but my apache doesn't want to show html in iso requested in <META> it's always received by browser as iso-8859-1, but it's declared as iso-8859-2. Why is that. Default char-table declared in config file is iso-8859-2. Can anyone help me? If so, please send me a solution to my private adress below
Thanks in advance IronHand -- ^Oo^_. [ nicK]:[IronHand] / GCS d-(++) s:- a18 w++ \ ^a_a^ \ ,_/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [ C++(+++)>$ PGP- b++ PE ] (o o) _-" [grouP]:[CruX] \ W++ P+ PS+ R+++ UL++++ / \O/ --- Nowa czarna lista niesolidnych dluznikow http://www.jachnicki.com.pl