On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Alexander Hvostov wrote: > Lennie, > > Can you give me any more details than just that Linux I/O performance is > inferior to *BSD?
not much :/ All I can show is from my own experience. Some time ago, I 'replaced' my home firewall 486 Debian installation with OpenBSD (just to try it out a bit) and it improved my network performance dramatically (no I don't have hard facts at hand). I think it has/had something to do with mtu discovery or something, because I'm connected with an @home cable modem and to be honest there systems have had problems in the past and still do and with OpenBSD I think it's been doing a lot better job, somehow. I think it's mtu discovery because sometimes if the cable is down, I get back cutdown ping's to the gateway. So some of it get's trough but not all somehow, it's really strange. Also this new OS seems more speedy then the previous, although I can not back this with facts either (I forgot to run something like bonnie to find out). Also I keep reading on the Linux kernel mailinglist that they are not too happy about current performance yet. ;) So maybe this also says something as I'm sure they have a good view on things. Did this help ? > > Regards, > > Alex. > <snip> Same to ya, Lennie. ------------------------------------- New things are always on the horizon.