also sprach Noah Meyerhans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005.06.27.2036 +0200]:
> Part of the problem with security updates has to do with the fact
> that it's just difficult to coordinate the work.  Even when
> Wichert, mdz, and others were more active, Joey still did most of
> the work because it was often easier for one person to keep track
> of everything.

Sounds like an issue of workflow management to me. I want to have
a lot of discussions on this topic at debconf anyway, so there's one
concrete domain in need of proper CSCW (computer-supported
cooperative work).

> The secretary position was originally created to help this
> situation, but it was never really clear to me what my role was
> supposed to be.

I never understood it either.

How much information can be disclosed about the inner workings of
the security team without damage?

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author:
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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                                                       -- groucho marx

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