On Sunday 23 January 2005 12:09 am, Max Vozeler wrote:
> Hi Bradley,
> Bradley Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm posting here in the in the hope that someone can help and because
> > there does not seem to be a loop-AES mailing list, and the sourceforge
> > postings are closed within minutes with no response. I tried posting
> > to debian-user, but got no response there either. Hopefully someone
> > here has some experience with loop-AES...
> You could try posting to linux-crypto (@nl.linux.org) which is
> mostly about loop-AES these days, or to Jari Ruusu directly. He is
> usually very responsive to questions and bug reports.

Yes, I just found that list and subscribed to it. Though I hate crossposting, 
I will post there and hope Jari has some piece of magic that I can use to get 
the partition to mount.

> > In any case, I was running loop-AES on two separate machines (loop-aes
> > 3.0a, loop-aes-ciphers 3.0a, aespipe 2.3a, loop-aes-utils 2.12p, all
> > built as debs) on kernel 2.6.9. I recompiled the kernels on both,
> > removing loop and cryptoloop, as stated in the loop-AES.README.
> What role does the second machine have? If you've copied the image
> over to another machine, you might be affected by this bug that was
> fixed in 3.0b:

Basoically. one machine is my laptop, the other is my desktop. I created the 
partitions separately, and synced the data across to both.

>  loop-AES-v3.0b    January 16 2005
>   - Fixed externally compiled module version multi-key-v3 ioctl
>     incompatibility with boxes running 64 bit kernel and 32 bit
>     userland.
> That's just a guess though.
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ mount ../docs/
> > Password:
> > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
>                                                            ^^^^^
> > dmesg tells me
> > ReiserFS: loop3: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find
> > reiserfs on loop3
>      ^^^^^
> Is the mismatch (loop0/loop3) due to trying different things out
> or are there perhaps other entries in dmesg?

No, one entry (loop0) was from the laptop, the other (loop3) was from the 

> > Even if I boot back into 2.6.9, the same indications occur. Anyone
> > know why this is happening or a method to recover the info on the
> > partition?
> Not me, sorry. I would probably start by trying a losetup by hand
> and see what that gives, sometimes eg. in case of a failing ioctl the
> error messages there are more descriptive than those from mount.
> Other things you could check:
>  - Is the correct loop module loaded? (size in lsmod should be ~60K)
>  - Have fstab or LVM settings changed in any way?
>  - Anything else changed compared to the original setup?

Nothing has changed that that I can tell. Thanks for the info. I will start by 
trying 3.0b and posting to linux-crypt.

> Good luck!

Bradley M. Alexander                       |
IA Analyst, SysAdmin, Security Engineer    |   storm [at] tux.org
Key fingerprints:
DSA 0x54434E65: 37F6 BCA6 621D 920C E02E  E3C8 73B2 C019 5443 4E65
RSA 0xC3BCBA91: 3F 0E 26 C1 90 14 AD 0A  C8 9C F0 93 75 A0 01 34
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