On Sunday 07 March 2004 13:13, E&Erdem wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just installed woody on a laptop, and i want to encrypt my
> home directory.
> I've searched, but couldn't find kernel patch for bf2.4. Is there a
> patch for this or i have to change kernel.
You can also use loop-aes (available via apt in sid), then you don't 
have to directly patch your kernel (you can, but you need not do 
it...): you will need at least the loop-aes-source package installed; 
the loop-aes-ciphers-source are (optional) ciphers.

Just follow the README file provided in loop-aes-source: this 
describes all steps involved in getting started, including examples 
on how to use encrypted swap; encrypted partitions using gpg-key 
stored on removable media etc.

$ apt-cache search loop-aes
loop-aes-ciphers-source - Ciphers for the loop-aes encryption Linux 
kernel module
loop-aes-source - AES-encryption loopback Linux kernel module


Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Holler <gmx.at after kho@>

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