Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "lhapdf"

* Package name    : lhapdf
  Version         : 5.8.7+repack-1
  Upstream Author : M. R. Whalley <>,
                    Andy Buckley <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL-2
  Section         : science

It builds those binary packages:

 lhapdf-ccwrap-doc - C++ Bindings for LHAPDF - documentation
 lhapdf-pdfsets-minimal - Minimal PDF Sets of LHAPDF
 liblhapdf-dev - [Physics] Les Houches Accord PDF Interface - development files
 liblhapdf0 - [Physics] Les Houches Accord PDF Interface
 octave-lhapdf - Octave Bindings for LHAPDF
 python-lhapdf - Python Bindings for LHAPDF

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

 dget -x

Changes since the last upload:

  * Disable test-suite on hurd-i386, mips, mipsel and s390. It requires
    RAM > 2GB to pass the test-suite, while buildds of these arches have
    no enough RAM.
  * Ship new pdfsets (cteq6ll.LHpdf, GRV98nlo.LHgrid and
    MRST2001nlo.LHgrid) to make test-suite of ThePEG happy, so repack
    source tarball.
  * octave-lhapdf: it depends on extra packages, so set priority to extra.
  * debian/copyright: fix licence version.
  * debian/control
    - move doxygen-latex and ghostscript to Build-Depends-Indep field.
    - replace automake and autoconf with dh-autoreconf.

Lifeng Sun


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