On Tue, 2018-01-23 at 20:36 +0100, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
> Kurt, many thanks for the quick reply and your packing work!
> On 2018-01-22 15:03, kkremit...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Yes, I am looking into packaging PySide 2, although the upstream is
> > still a little ways out from being ready for a release [1], e.g.
> > they
> > haven't picked an initial version number.
> Maybe PySide 2 should go to experimental then?

That would make sense, although having just checked the upstream
development progress notes on their wiki, it looks like they're getting
closer and closer...

> > Also, beyond trying to get OpenCASCADE 7.2 packaged (which I would
> > appreciate any additional feedback for, as it's quite large for my
> > 2nd
> > Debian package!),
> You should probably ask for feedback in the Debian science team,
> that maintains OCE, FreeCAD, and netgen.

Thanks, I'll write something up for feedback.

> The only minor point from my side: For such a large package as
> OpenCASCADE it is probably a good idea, not to have the complete
> version history (4280 commits) in the Debian git repo, but only
> the releases in the "upstream" branch, with added debian-dir in
> the "master" branch. But that's purely matter of taste...

Ah, I wasn't sure on that point, glad you cleared it up. I have updated
the repo on salsa.d.o. 

> > we are also wanting to update the netgen package both
> > to v6.2.x from its current 4.9.13, as well as to compile it against
> > the
> > new OpenCASCADE 7.2 package I'm working on.
> Could you open a bug against the netgen package asking for a new
> package version? And block this bug #888026 by it? TIA!

Done! https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=888712

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