Dear Talented,I am Talent Scout For BLUE SKY FILM STUDIO, Present Blue sky 
Studio aFilm Corporation Located in the United State, is Soliciting for 
theRight to use Your Photo/Face and Personality as One of the Semi -MajorRole/ 
Character in our Upcoming ANIMATED Stereoscope 3D Movie-The Storyof Anubis 
(Anubis 2018) The Movie is Currently Filming (InProduction) Please Note That 
There Will Be No Auditions, Traveling orAny Special / Professional Acting 
Skills, Since the Production of ThisMovie Will Be Done with our State of Art 
Computer -Generating ImageryEquipment. We Are Prepared to Pay the Total Sum of 
$620,000.00 USD. ForMore Information/Understanding, Please Write us on the 
E-Mail Below.CONTACT EMAIL: Blueskyanimatedstudio@usa.comAll Reply to: 
Blueskyanimatedstudio@usa.comNote: Only the Response send to this mail will be 
Given a PriorConsideration.Talent ScoutKim Sharma
63 años de funcionamiento de la UTM. Fundada el 25 de Junio de 1954. Avanzamos 
con excelencia académica. Acreditada en categoria B rumbo a la A. Este mensaje 
ha sido analizado por clamav ativirus y se considera totalmente limpio.
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