I'm not that familiar with the Debian side of things
but am standing up a Debian system this weekend and
hoping to take a look at updating the previous work
by Henning Glawe. If you have any PDL specific questions,
please feel free to email me directly.
(PDL-2.016 release manager)
On 6/3/2016 16:55, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
On 06/03/2016 10:07 PM, Niko Tyni wrote:
On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 12:02:32PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
I've got a request from PDL upstream who fully correctly noticed that
PDL is not properly maintained inside Debian. Since I once did some
ad-hoc fixes Upstream CCed me whether I could do something as Debian
Science team member. I had a look and updated Git[1] a bit but I
noticed that it is way better if some Perl programmer could have a look.
I admit that the patches are more than the small time cycles I would be
able to spent into this would permit me to do.
I'd be really happy if Debian Perl team could take over maintenance
of this package.
Thanks for the note. I'm adding debian-perl to the recipient list,
that's a bit better for discussions than the pkg-perl-maintainers one.
PDL does seem to fit well in the pkg-perl domain so I think that should
be fine. It clearly needs some work (there are old Debian patches that
have little documentation or anything) and I can't promise any schedule,
but I'll try to look at it. Help is welcome of course.
I see Henning is still listed as the Maintainer for libpdl-io-hdf5-perl
and libpdl-netcdf-perl. Are those up for adoption too?
I assume they are up for adaption too. libpdl-netcdf-perl hasn't seen
any activity since I NMUed it for the netcdf transition last October.
PDL and its related packages are reverse dependencies of several
packages maintained by the Debian GIS team, I can probably help get PDL
back into shape within the Perl team too (no promises either).
Kind Regards,
debian-science-maintainers mailing list