Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Andreas Tille <>

* Package name    : r-cran-markdown
  Version         : 0.7.7
  Upstream Author :  Yihui Xie <xie at>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: R
  Description     : GNU R package providing R bindings to the Sundown Markdown 
rendering library
 Provides R bindings to the Sundown Markdown rendering library by
 Vicent Marti
 e.a., based upon work by Natacha Porté. Markdown is a plain-text
     formatting syntax that can be converted to XHTML or other formats.
 The R function `markdownToHTML` renders a markdown file to HTML. Options
 controlling HTML output and supported markdown extensions can be
 optionally specified.
 The package also exports the underlying Sundown C extension API which
 enables creating and calling custom renderers using the
 `renderMarkdown` function.
 Please note: the rmarkdown package (with leading r) converts R Markdown
 documents into even more formats, by using pandoc; the CRAN rmarkdown
 package is a newer and enhanced version of this markdown package.

Remark: This package was prepared by Joost van Baal-Ili for the Debian
Science team as a predependency for r-cran-knitr.  It will be team
maintained at

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