
On 2016-02-03 you uploaded nfft 3.3.0-5 to unstable triggering a
transition. The reverse dependencies are pynfft and yorick-ynfft.

This is not an issue in itself, because that's quite a manageable
transition and you staged it in experiemental first. 

However, you found FTBFS bugs in both packages whilst nfft was in
experimental and filed bugs for them. It's not OK to then ignore those bugs
and upload nfft to unstable anyway.

This is a pity because you have done everything else with care, and
your sponsor should have realised the issue and delayed the upload.

Please ensure not to trigger transitions unless they are expected to
succeed, because entangled transitions can cause the release team a real


Jonathan Wiltshire                                      j...@debian.org
Debian Developer                         http://people.debian.org/~jmw

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