Hi Laurent,

it is exactly, what I plan to do within the next several
weeks. I also built already libqglviewer against Qt5 for
our experimental branch [1]. It will also be renamed
by adding -qt4 and -qt5 suffixes. Later -qt4 package
will be removed as planned for the next stable release.

Maybe, you are also right with the renaming library
regarding numbering.


Best regards


2015-05-04 15:04 GMT+02:00 Laurent Rineau
> Dear Debian maintainers of libQGLViewer,
> I am the Fedora maintainer of libQGLViewer, and I would like to share ideas
> about ABI compatibility and about the Qt5 support of that package.
> The upstream libQGLViewer already supports Qt5. The problem is that the
> upstream name of the library does not change when it is compiled with Qt4 or
> Qt5. That does not help the parallel installation of the two versions.
> In the Fedora package, I plan to rename the Qt5 version to libQGLViewer-qt5.
> For example, the .so files will be (on x86_64):
>   - for Qt4:
>      /usr/lib64/libQGLViewer-qt4.so
>   - for Qt5:
>      /usr/lib64/libQGLViewer-qt5.so
> I will also add a symbolic link /usr/lib64/libQGLViewer.so, that will points
> to the Qt4 version, for compatibility reason.
> Do you have similar plans? If you do, I could try to suggest the upstream
> author to apply that new naming convention in the upstream version.
> For the ABI compatibility, I have found out that the ABI of that library
> changes for each release. For that reason, I have decided to bump the SONAME
> of the library at each version: for example for version 2.5.3, the soname of
> the Qt4 version is "libQGLViewer.so.2.5.1", with the full version encoded in
> the SONAME. Do you have comments/suggestions about that?
> Best regards,
> Laurent Rineau
> --
> Laurent Rineau
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LaurentRineau

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