Package: gnuplot-nox
Version: 4.6.5-1

== observation 1 ==

man gnuplot(1) has

 gnuplot [X11 options] [options] [file ...]

and a section "X11 OPTIONS" that refers to man X(1).

== observation 2 ==

When gnuplot is invoked with X11 options, one gets

$ gnuplot -title "bla"
unrecognized option -title
Cannot open load file 'bla'
"bla", line 0: util.c: No such file or directory

== suggested fix ==

Since gnuplot behaves differently under gnuplot-nox and gnuplot-x11,
the man page also needs to be different for these two packages.

Under gnuplot-nox, man gnuplot should
- not mention unavailable X11 options
- indicate clearly that it describes the -nox version

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