嗨 longyucai! 你精疲力尽的喘着粗气。剑慢慢的从你的手中滑落。损坏凹陷的铠甲挤压着你那伤痕累累的疲惫的躯体。尽管你身心具疲,但你还是把握紧的拳头伸向了天空 - 你又一次取得了决斗的胜利。
获得你的名声 - 作为一个贵族的骑士还是一个阴险的骑士大盗! 进行扣人心弦的决斗,进入哦扑朔迷离的探险世界,得到传说中的武器装备并加入一个骑士团。 利用新的团队任务,和其他骑士共同经历刺激的冒险之旅。所以即时你遇到再可怕的敌人,你也不需要感到恐惧。 荣誉和声望在等着你。。。 立刻来体现吧! http://news.gameforge.de/go/3KSYTQJ-1UFWGUA-1UFWGTM-ZTLO4C.html You received this email because you registered for a Gameforge game (OGame, BiteFight or others) and accepted the receipt of emails as part of the Terms and Conditions. If you do not want to receive these emails in the future, you can unsubscribe here. http://news.gameforge.de/go/3KSYTQJ-1UFWGUA-TSTL3W-18CBYWL.html?code=14b6dbb59eb0b544e9d32c5063e37821&lang=&email=debian-russian%40lists.debian.org Gameforge Productions GmbH, Albert-Nestler-Strasse 8, D-76131 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 (0)700 GAMEFORGE (+49 (0)700 426336743) Fax: +49 (0)721 354808152, Contact: i...@gameforge.de -No Game or Gamepay Support- Local Court Mannheim, Commercial Register Number: 701682 Sales Tax Identification Number: DE254298652 CEO: Klaas Kersting