Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 03:38:02PM +0300, Вы(Konstantin Klimchev) написали:
> Сам с собой общаюсь. Похоже на обострение...
> Корни проблемы в том, что необходимо отправлять sms при
> каких-либо (заранее описаных) проблемах.
> Имеем /dev/ttyUSB0 
> c правами root:dialout
> и доступом crw-rw----
> Проблему, описанныю в первом посте обошел следующим образом:
> Владельцем /dev/ttyUSB0 сделал пользователя daemon.
> А теперь - на сколько это правильно, если это не красиво,
> как сделать красиво: 
> - править init-скрипт, 
> - менять права на /dev/ttyUSB0
> - запускать от root (но это делать не буду точно)
> - ...

Как-то раз пришлось решать такую проблему(тож sms).  Правили init
скрипт. Он в аттаче. Кажется рабочий даже. А вообще mon та еще

        Burchu Sergey.
#!/bin/sh -e

# $Id: init,v 1.7 2001/09/14 02:18:25 roderick Exp $

# These specify the user and group that mon runs as.  You can use group
# daemon instead of group shadow if you want to limit its permissions,
# but then it won't be able to authenticate users against the shadow
# password file.

group='shadow dialout'

# Don't let group shadow write to my files.

umask 22

# This specifies mon's configuration file.  If this file name ends with
# .m4 it's preprocssed with m4.  The shell code after the assignment
# causes this script to use a .m4 version if it exists.

[ -f $cfg.m4 ] && cfg=$cfg.m4

# These are the args which are passed to mon.  -f tells it to fork and
# run as a daemon, -c just makes use of the config file setting from
# above (notably, so that a .m4 version is picked up).

args="-f -c $cfg"

# You're less likely to need to change any of the others.

script=`basename "$0"`
desc='monitor daemon'

# Add system dirs for start-stop-daemon.

[ -f $daemon -a -f $cfg ] || exit 0

# Don't bother if the user hasn't configured the package, there is no
# default configuration but there is a default config file (which just
# contains comments).

egrep -v '^[    ]*$|^#' $cfg >/dev/null || exit 0

warn() {
    echo "$script:" "$@" >&2

die() {
    warn "$@"
    exit 1

usage() {
    [ $# = 0 ] || warn "$@"
    warn "usage: \`$script <action>'"
    warn "valid actions: start stop restart reload force-reload"
    exit 1

# I originally used su to start the daemon as user daemon, but ran into
# trouble with the differing requirements of su and secure-su.  The GNU
# getopt's troublsome behavior of looking for switches anywhere on the
# command line requires that one use -- if one wants to pass switches
# to the shell, but secure-su doesn't allow the --.  One could set
# POSIXLY_CORRECT to prevent this poor getopt_long() behavior, but then
# the sub-command would have that in its environment.  In disgust I
# gave up and switched to using Perl.

daemon_run() {
    perl -we '
        $user = shift;
        $group = shift;
        if ($group =~ /\s+/)
            foreach $a (split(/\s+/, $group))
                defined($gid = getgrnam $a)
                  or die "Cannot find gid for group $a\n";
                if (!defined $fgid) {
                    $fgid = $gid;
                $tmp .= "$gid ";
        else {
                defined($fgid = getgrnam $group)
                  or die "Cannot find gid for group $group\n";
            $tmp = "$fgid $fgid";
        $) = $tmp; 
        $( = $fgid;
#               if ($( ne "$gid $gid" || $) ne "$gid $gid") {
        if ($( ne $tmp || $) ne $tmp) { 
            die "Error setting group ids, real/effective is now $(/$)\n";
        defined($uid = getpwnam $user)
            or die "Cannot find uid for user $user\n";
        $< = $uid;
        $> = $uid;
        if ($> != $uid || $< != $uid) {
            die "Error setting user ids, real/effective is now $</$>\n";
        exec @ARGV or die "Error running $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
        ' "$user" "$group" "$@" ||
        die "return $? setting ids and running:" "$@"

[ $# = 1 ] || usage "wrong number of args (got $# expected 1), args are:" "$@"

set -- --pidfile $pid --startas $daemon -- $args

stop_mon() {
    running_mon_pid=`cat $pid 2>/dev/null` || true
    daemon_is_running() {
        [ -f $pid -a /proc/"$running_mon_pid"/exe -ef /usr/bin/perl ]

    start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo "$@"
    daemon_is_running || return 0
    sleep 1
    daemon_is_running || return 0

    # Wait for the daemon to exit before continuing, so that a subsequent
    # start doesn't fail if it happens too soon.

    echo -n " [waiting for mon (pid $running_mon_pid) to exit..."
    while daemon_is_running
        n=`expr $n + 1`
        [ $n = 60 ] && die "giving up, mon still hasn't exited"
        echo -n .
        sleep 1
    echo -n "]"

case x-$action in
        echo -n "Starting $desc: $name"
        daemon_run start-stop-daemon --pidfile $pid --start "$@"
        echo .
        echo -n "Stopping $desc: $name"
        stop_mon "$@"
        echo .
        echo -n "Restarting $desc: $name"
        stop_mon "$@"
        daemon_run start-stop-daemon --start "$@"
        echo .
    x-reload | x-force-reload)
        echo "Reloading $desc configuration files."
        start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 "$@"
        usage "invalid action \`$action'"

exit 0
