>>>>> "AM" == Alexey Mahotkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

AM> Everyone, I've looked deeper and now fixing all fuzzy entries (it is
AM> horrible) in ten-minutes-old CVSed sources.  Thanks Wichert I have at
AM> least fourty more hours =)

Hm.  I've fixed all fuzzy entries, except for one (it is left marked as
fuzzy to encourage others to look at it and possibly update it more).

It was really horrible.  Somehow all this "fuzzy" feature should be removed
altogether from gettext.

Example (it is not a punch towards anyone around dpkg, just towards
gettext's fuzziness): Wichert, there is a good Russian word "kondratiy"
(something like "heart attack"), and it is exactly what will happen to
innocent sysadmin, who when trying to authenticate package will get a large
friendly message in pure Russian: "Removing package `%s'".  =) It was
exactly what fuzziness engine thought will be an appropriate close-enough
translation of "Authenticating package `%s'".  This, and a lot of other
similar cases are now fixed.  (Probably this affects other languages too?) 

mss and everyone else, please review this.

Unfortunately I could not compile dpkg just now (I'm missing 0.01 of
gettext), but if you'll somehow pre-release dpkg package somewhere I think
we all here could try to run it to verify that language usage is
appropriate everywhere.  Although please keep in mind that I am mostly
happy potato user and I do not think it'll be appropriate to install too
many packages from unstable.  Can I install newer dpkg over potato, and
then downgrade again?

AM> During last phase I think I'll translate untranslated entries.

Hm.  368 untranslated entries.  Way too much.  Could anyone help?

Below is the patch to current ru.po that fixes all fuzzy entries. 


Attachment: dpkg-ru.po-fuzzy.patch
Description: Binary data
