Alexey Vyskubov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > У меня тут есть небольшой скриптик для vim, который делает чтобы titlebar у > > xterm содержал получателя письма (когда пишутся письма, естественно). > > > > Если кому-то интересно, могу поделится. > > Интересно, поделись!
Вот это надо вставить в .vimrc: if has("autocmd") autocmd BufRead mutt* execute M_settings() endif " set up xterm title to indicate a recipient of the letter function M_settings() " general settings execute 'set tw=78 noshowmatch' let i = 1 let line = getline(i) " find a line with To: field while (match(line, "To:") == -1 && line != "") let i = i + 1 let line = getline(i) endwhile " if it's there, modify title if (line != "") let i = match(line, " ") + 1 let j = match(line, "<") - 1 if j == -2 let j = match(line, ",") endif if j == -1 let j = strlen(line) endif let len = j - i let address = strpart(line, i, len) let title = "Mail to " . address let title = substitute(title, " ", "\\\\ ", "g") let title = substitute(title, "\"", "", "g") execute 'set titlestring=' . title execute 'set iconstring=' . title else " leave default mutt title otherwise execute 'set titlestring=Mutt' execute 'set iconstring=Mutt' endif execute 'set titleold=Mutt' endfunc Peter. -- Software is like sex; it's better when it's free.