Люди, помогите. :) Может кто ни будь может помочь мне? Мне нужно чтобы кто ни будь прислал бы мне CD binary-i386-1_NONUS по простой почте в Латвию, причём похоже что компенсировать издержки я не смогу поскольку перевод денег из Латвии в Россию стоит 20 $ 8-( ). Мне для зеркала CD-image только его и не хватает.
А ещё лучше если отзовется кто ни будь у кого этот исошник лежит в Латвии. This is a forwarded message From: J.A. Bezemer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Tuesday, September 05, 2000, 12:08:14 AM Subject: Strange rsync issue ===8<==============Original message text=============== On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Aigars Mahinovs wrote: > "J.A. Bezemer" wrote: > > On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Mattias Wadenstein wrote: > > > On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Aigars Mahinovs wrote: > > > [snip, commands seem correct] > > > > This took more than 12 hours and the progress indicator never came > > > > over 2% done. > > > > Can someone please tell me what could be the bottleneck and why the > > > > second > > > > rsync took longer that the first one. > > > If you never got to the full 100% (or perhaps 99%), it is a good > > > posibility that you never synced the entire image. > > Correct, and if rsync stops (or is killed) without the transfer being > > complete, it deletes its tempfile and essentially leaves everything > > unchanged. > > So the big file you saw after rsyncing only 2% was still your pseudo-image. > > (Note that this is the intentional behaviour; otherwise you would have had > > only 2%=13MB left, and would have had to re-create the pseudo-image.) > > Ok. I tried rsyncing for the second time from ftp.se.d.o . > After apr. 10 hours it finished with >600 Mb data read ( .3 $ per Mb ) > It said that 23 Mb data was matched. This is nonsense. It should be ~10 MB data read and >600 MB matched. There's something very wrong here. > MD5 sum didn't match. > ( 13d1c3648285fc4119c497aff3c0e205 binary-i386-1_NONUS.iso ) > ( Might it be that this is md5 sum if no -b key is used ? ) Don't know, but even if so, I suspect that's not all of the problem. > Rsyncing again (blocksize=65536). > It froze after 3 hours on 98% after transferring another 300+ Mb. > (It's not killed yet) > That's it. I'll better find someone to ftp it to Latvia so I can grab it > on free, national traffic. And have that "someone" pay for the traffic? ;-) Instead, you'd better get a CD set from one of the many vendors, http://www.debian.org/distrib/vendors ("faster and cheaper" ;-) > Is there a way I can get rsync temp file and what is in the file-to-rsync. The rsync temp file is called something like .binary-i386-1.12345 in the same dir, but I think Windows won't allow you to read it while rsync is still running. From a second DOS box, you could try to cd to that directory, and use "cp .binary-i386-1.12345 rsync-tempfile" to get a readable copy of it. Or perhaps forcing the rsync's DOS box close may result in rsync not deleting its tempfile. > BTW It is a Win2000 Professional Haven't heard any real problem on any platform in a long time... Regards, Anne Bezemer ===8<===========End of original message text=========== -- Best regards, Aigars mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]