On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 11:26:25PM +0400, Alexey Vyskubov wrote:
> > при обработке latex'ом документа со строчками
> > 
> > \usepackage[koi8-r]{inputenc}
> > \usepackage[russian]{babel}
> > 
> > получаю
> [SKIP]
> > Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for
> > (babel)                the language `Russian'
> > (babel)                I will use the patterns loaded for \language=0 
> > instead.

BTW, это как раз несущественные ошибки. их можно избежать вставив

> language.dat поправь.

да правил я.

а вот как избавиться от 

! LaTeX Error: Encoding scheme `' unknown.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.29 ...titution{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{cmr}{m}{n}
я приложил language.dat и ruhyphen.tex, но там IMHO все в порядке.

Alexander Kotelnikov
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
% File    : language.dat
% Purpose : specify which hypenation patterns to load 
%           while running iniTeX 

% CAUTION: the first language will be the default if no style-file
%          (e.g. german.sty) is used.
% Since version 3.0 of TeX, hyphenation patterns for multiple languages are
% possible. Unless you know what you are doing, please let the american
% english patterns be the first ones. The babel system allows you to
% easily change the active language for your texts. For more information,
% have a look to the documentation in texmf/doc/generic/babel.

% The hyphenation pattern files are in the dirctory:
%       texmf/tex/generic/hyphen

% The US-english patterns should be loaded *always* and as *first* ones.
% Define USenglish as an alias for american.
american ushyph1.tex

% UK english, TWO LINES!
%british  ukhyphen.tex

% english should always be defined. Either an alias for american or british.

% French, TWO lines!
%french         fr19998t.tex

%german         dehypht.tex

% For use with ngerman.sty (neue Rechtschreibung):
%ngerman                dehyphn.tex

% The following languages are disabled by default. Uncomment, what you need.
%bahasa         inhyph.tex
%catalan        cahyph.tex
%croatian       hrhyph.tex
%czech          czhyph2e.tex
%danish         dkhyphen.tex
%% Beware: DEBIAN users have to install tetex-nonfree to use dutch and
%% nehyph2.tex 
%dutch          nehyph2.tex  % or nehyphx.tex
%finnish        fi8hyph.tex
%galician       gahyph.tex
%greek          grhyph.tex
%italian        ithyph.tex
%latin          lahyph8.tex     % for T1 encoding. Use lahyph7.tex for OT1.
%magyar         huhyph.tex
%norsk          nohyph.tex
%polish         plhyph.tex
%portuges       pt8hyph.tex
%romanian       rohyphen.tex
russian        ruhyphen.tex     % note: edit ruhyphen.tex for your encoding!
%serbocroatian  shhyphl.tex
%slovak         skhyph2e.tex
%slovene        sihyph22.tex
%spanish        sphyph.tex
%swedish        sehyph.tex
%turkish        trhyph.tex

% A "language" without hyphenation:
nohyphenation   zerohyph.tex

% Please contact me, if for any of the following languages there are
% freely available hyphenation tables:
%       esperanto slovak
% I might want to include them in a future version of this file.
% Email   : Thomas Esser, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% ruhyphen package
% Copyright 1998-1999 Werner Lemberg, Vladimir Volovich
% and any individual authors listed elsewhere in package files.
% See the README file for more information.
% This package can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
% of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN
% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
% version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


\message{Russian hyphenation patterns}

% Please uncomment the encoding and pattern value you need before
% creating a new format file containing Russian hyphenation patterns:



\input catkoi
\input koi2\Encoding
\input ruhyph\Pattern

% the following four lines are optional
\input cyryo\Pattern
\patterns{.не8 8не.}
\def\t{t2}\ifx\t\Encoding\input hypht2 \fi
\patterns{8бъ. 8въ. 8гъ. 8дъ. 8жъ. 8зъ. 8къ. 8лъ. 8мъ. 8нъ. 8пъ. 8ръ. 8съ. 8тъ. 8фъ. 8хъ. 8цъ. 8чъ. 8шъ. 8щъ.}


