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Я исал автору xfstt Herbert Duerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> и куратору пакета Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. На сегодня имеется ответ от автора, он, как я понял, его одобрил. Кроме того, я писал ему о баге, из-за которого xfstt создает русские шрифты из шрифтов, не содержащих русских символов, которые, естественно, не работают. Текст ответов приложен к письму. Заодно прошу тех, у кого Netscape не работал из-за xfstt, проверить гипотезу, что это связано с появлением таких вот псевдошрифтов. Просто оставьте в каталоге только те TTF, что _гарантированно_ UNICODE и содержат русские сомволы, то есть Times New Roman, Courier New, Arial, и проветрьте, будет ли он работать. Я проверить не могу, так как у меня Netscape другой версии (упакован Corel) и он вроде работал. Ответа от куратора пока нет. Дмитрий <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Jul 31 18:03:24 2000 Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: =?koi8-r?Q?=22=E4=CD=C9=D4=D2=C9=CA_=E2=2E_=F3=C9=C4=CF=D2=CF=D7=22?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 16:02:24 +0200 Subject: Re: Patch to xfstt to use box drawing in curses Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline X-Recipient: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > The purpose of this patch is to allow curses-based > program use box drawing glyphs from TTF. Clever idea! Thanks for the Unicode->Ncurses mapping. Are the box-drawing characters really in most *.ttf fonts? If not, it doesn't hurt at all though; and maybe they could be generated automatically for monospaced fonts that don't have them. Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen Herbert Duerr Competence Center of Automated Visual Inspection Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Aug 1 19:48:20 2000 Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: "Dmitry Sidorov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 17:44:44 +0200 Subject: Re: Patch to xfstt to use box drawing in curses Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline X-Recipient: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > By the way, do you know about that bug: xfstt try create 8bit fonts > from fonts that do not include gliphs for that encoding? It may be > made for non-unicodes such as Symbol from MS Windows. Ooops. I think I know what you mean. Currently xfstt doesn't even try to check, whether there are any glyphs in the font that match with the user's encodings. This is because the info, which glyphs are available in a font is only there after the font has been opened. Then it is already to late. The encoding info would have to be stored in another mini-database... doing this means quite some programming work in xfstt.cpp. > Using that font may hang up X-server. I don't understand how this could happen in the situation that there are no glyphs for an encoding. There has to be a different reason, e.g. the font hints misbehave or something like that. > Do I can send you letter to debian-russian@lists.debian.org list? That's fine with me, but please remove my phone number etc. Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen Herbert Duerr