Severity: normal
Tags: jessie
Usertags: pu

Hash: SHA512

I've prepared an update for libdatetime-timezone-perl to incorporate
the changes of the Olson db release 2016i, as usual with a quilt
patch only touching the data files.

This release contains changes to Pacific/Tongatapu, Antarctica/Casey,
and Asia/Famagusta, which have or will become effective at the end of
October or in early November, so I guess this might be suited for
stable-updates before the next point release.

Additionally I took the liberty to update the helper script
debian/tools/ to the version I've been using locally
since some time. This script is neither in the binary package nor
used during build, it only helps in creating the patch to update to
new Olson db versions. And after pochu updated the package in wheezy,
I realized that others would benefit from my locally updated versions
of this script as well :)

Manually trimmed debdiff attached.



diff -Nru libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/changelog libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/changelog
--- libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/changelog	2016-10-22 14:42:55.000000000 +0200
+++ libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/changelog	2016-11-04 15:38:54.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+libdatetime-timezone-perl (1:1.75-2+2016i) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Update to Olson database version 2016i.
+    This update contains contemporary changes to Pacific/Tongatapu,
+    Antarctica/Casey, and Asia/Famagusta (new).
+  * Update debian/tools/ helper script.
+    Update handling of -Inf/Inf.
+    (This script is only used  manually for updating Olson database data.)
+ -- gregor herrmann <>  Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:38:54 +0100
 libdatetime-timezone-perl (1:1.75-2+2016h) jessie; urgency=medium
   * Update to Olson database version 2016h.
diff -Nru libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/patches/olson-2016i libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/patches/olson-2016i
--- libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/patches/olson-2016i	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/patches/olson-2016i	2016-11-04 15:38:54.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,11315 @@
+Description: update to olson db 2016i
+Origin: vendor
+Author: gregor herrmann <>
+Last-Update: 2016-11-04
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2016h
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2016i
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version { '2016h' }
++sub olson_version { '2016i' }
+ sub has_dst_changes { 0 }
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2016h
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2016i
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+ 61220534400, #    local_end 1941-01-01 00:00:00 (Wed)
+ 44400,
+ 0,
+     ],
+     [
+ 61220490000, #    utc_start 1940-12-31 11:40:00 (Tue)
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
+ 63050832000, #    local_end 1999-01-01 00:00:00 (Fri)
+ 46800,
+ 0,
+     ],
+     [
+ 63050785200, #    utc_start 1998-12-31 11:00:00 (Thu)
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+ 63074944800, #    local_end 1999-10-07 02:00:00 (Thu)
+ 46800,
+ 0,
+     ],
+     [
+ 63074898000, #    utc_start 1999-10-06 13:00:00 (Wed)
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+ 63089118000, #    local_end 2000-03-19 03:00:00 (Sun)
+ 50400,
+ 1,
+     ],
+     [
+ 63089067600, #    utc_start 2000-03-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
+ 63109072800, #    local_end 2000-11-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 46800,
+ 0,
+     ],
+     [
+ 63109026000, #    utc_start 2000-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+ 63116330400, #    local_end 2001-01-28 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 50400,
+ 1,
+     ],
+     [
+ 63116280000, #    utc_start 2001-01-27 12:00:00 (Sat)
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
+ 63140522400, #    local_end 2001-11-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 46800,
+ 0,
+     ],
+     [
+ 63140475600, #    utc_start 2001-11-03 13:00:00 (Sat)
+@@ -98,22 +98,220 @@
+ 63147780000, #    local_end 2002-01-27 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 50400,
+ 1,
+     ],
+     [
+ 63147729600, #    utc_start 2002-01-26 12:00:00 (Sat)
+-DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #      utc_end
++63614034000, #      utc_end 2016-11-05 13:00:00 (Sat)
+ 63147776400, #  local_start 2002-01-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #    local_end
++63614080800, #    local_end 2016-11-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 46800,
+ 0,
++    ],
++    [
++63614034000, #    utc_start 2016-11-05 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63620082000, #      utc_end 2017-01-14 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63614084400, #  local_start 2016-11-06 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63620132400, #    local_end 2017-01-15 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63620082000, #    utc_start 2017-01-14 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63645483600, #      utc_end 2017-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63620128800, #  local_start 2017-01-15 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63645530400, #    local_end 2017-11-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63645483600, #    utc_start 2017-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63652136400, #      utc_end 2018-01-20 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63645534000, #  local_start 2017-11-05 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63652186800, #    local_end 2018-01-21 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63652136400, #    utc_start 2018-01-20 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63676933200, #      utc_end 2018-11-03 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63652183200, #  local_start 2018-01-21 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63676980000, #    local_end 2018-11-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63676933200, #    utc_start 2018-11-03 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63683586000, #      utc_end 2019-01-19 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63676983600, #  local_start 2018-11-04 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63683636400, #    local_end 2019-01-20 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63683586000, #    utc_start 2019-01-19 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63708382800, #      utc_end 2019-11-02 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63683632800, #  local_start 2019-01-20 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63708429600, #    local_end 2019-11-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63708382800, #    utc_start 2019-11-02 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63715035600, #      utc_end 2020-01-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63708433200, #  local_start 2019-11-03 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63715086000, #    local_end 2020-01-19 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63715035600, #    utc_start 2020-01-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63739832400, #      utc_end 2020-10-31 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63715082400, #  local_start 2020-01-19 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63739879200, #    local_end 2020-11-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63739832400, #    utc_start 2020-10-31 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63746485200, #      utc_end 2021-01-16 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63739882800, #  local_start 2020-11-01 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63746535600, #    local_end 2021-01-17 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63746485200, #    utc_start 2021-01-16 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63771886800, #      utc_end 2021-11-06 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63746532000, #  local_start 2021-01-17 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63771933600, #    local_end 2021-11-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63771886800, #    utc_start 2021-11-06 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63777934800, #      utc_end 2022-01-15 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63771937200, #  local_start 2021-11-07 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63777985200, #    local_end 2022-01-16 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63777934800, #    utc_start 2022-01-15 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63803336400, #      utc_end 2022-11-05 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63777981600, #  local_start 2022-01-16 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63803383200, #    local_end 2022-11-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63803336400, #    utc_start 2022-11-05 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63809384400, #      utc_end 2023-01-14 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63803386800, #  local_start 2022-11-06 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63809434800, #    local_end 2023-01-15 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63809384400, #    utc_start 2023-01-14 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63834786000, #      utc_end 2023-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63809431200, #  local_start 2023-01-15 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63834832800, #    local_end 2023-11-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63834786000, #    utc_start 2023-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63841438800, #      utc_end 2024-01-20 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63834836400, #  local_start 2023-11-05 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63841489200, #    local_end 2024-01-21 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63841438800, #    utc_start 2024-01-20 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63866235600, #      utc_end 2024-11-02 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63841485600, #  local_start 2024-01-21 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63866282400, #    local_end 2024-11-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63866235600, #    utc_start 2024-11-02 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63872888400, #      utc_end 2025-01-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63866286000, #  local_start 2024-11-03 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63872938800, #    local_end 2025-01-19 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63872888400, #    utc_start 2025-01-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63897685200, #      utc_end 2025-11-01 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63872935200, #  local_start 2025-01-19 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63897732000, #    local_end 2025-11-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63897685200, #    utc_start 2025-11-01 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63904338000, #      utc_end 2026-01-17 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63897735600, #  local_start 2025-11-02 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63904388400, #    local_end 2026-01-18 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63904338000, #    utc_start 2026-01-17 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63929134800, #      utc_end 2026-10-31 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63904384800, #  local_start 2026-01-18 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63929181600, #    local_end 2026-11-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63929134800, #    utc_start 2026-10-31 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63935787600, #      utc_end 2027-01-16 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63929185200, #  local_start 2026-11-01 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63935838000, #    local_end 2027-01-17 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63935787600, #    utc_start 2027-01-16 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63961189200, #      utc_end 2027-11-06 13:00:00 (Sat)
++63935834400, #  local_start 2027-01-17 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63961236000, #    local_end 2027-11-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version { '2016h' }
++sub olson_version { '2016i' }
+-sub has_dst_changes { 3 }
++sub has_dst_changes { 15 }
+ sub _max_year { 2026 }
+@@ -122,6 +320,74 @@
+     return shift->_init( @_, spans => $spans );
+ }
++sub _last_offset { 46800 }
++my $last_observance = bless( {
++  'format' => '+13/+14',
++  'gmtoff' => '13:00',
++  'local_start_datetime' => bless( {
++    'formatter' => undef,
++    'local_rd_days' => 729755,
++    'local_rd_secs' => 0,
++    'offset_modifier' => 0,
++    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
++    'tz' => bless( {
++      'name' => 'floating',
++      'offset' => 0
++    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
++    'utc_rd_days' => 729755,
++    'utc_rd_secs' => 0,
++    'utc_year' => 2000
++  }, 'DateTime' ),
++  'offset_from_std' => 0,
++  'offset_from_utc' => 46800,
++  'until' => [],
++  'utc_start_datetime' => bless( {
++    'formatter' => undef,
++    'local_rd_days' => 729754,
++    'local_rd_secs' => 39600,
++    'offset_modifier' => 0,
++    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
++    'tz' => bless( {
++      'name' => 'floating',
++      'offset' => 0
++    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
++    'utc_rd_days' => 729754,
++    'utc_rd_secs' => 39600,
++    'utc_year' => 1999
++  }, 'DateTime' )
++}, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Observance' )
++sub _last_observance { $last_observance }
++my $rules = [
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '2:00',
++    'from' => '2016',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
++    'name' => 'Tonga',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '1:00',
++    'to' => 'max',
++    'type' => undef
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '3:00',
++    'from' => '2017',
++    'in' => 'Jan',
++    'letter' => '',
++    'name' => 'Tonga',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=15',
++    'save' => '0',
++    'to' => 'max',
++    'type' => undef
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
++sub _rules { $rules }
+ 1;
diff -Nru libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/patches/series libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/patches/series
--- libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/patches/series	2016-10-22 14:42:55.000000000 +0200
+++ libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/patches/series	2016-11-04 15:38:54.000000000 +0100
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@
diff -Nru libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/tools/ libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/tools/
--- libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/tools/	2016-10-22 14:42:55.000000000 +0200
+++ libdatetime-timezone-perl-1.75/debian/tools/	2016-11-04 15:38:54.000000000 +0100
@@ -51,9 +51,10 @@
 perl tools/parse_olson --dir debian/tzdata --version $updbversion --clean
-# add VERSION to files
+# add VERSION to files; fix Inf
 for f in $(find lib/DateTime -name "*.pm"); do
 	grep -q "::VERSION = '$dttzversion';" $f && continue
 	module=$(echo $f | perl -pe 's{lib/DateTime/TimeZone/(.+)(?:(/.+))?.pm}{DateTime/TimeZone/$1$2}; s{/}{::}g;')
 	perl -pi -e "s{package $module;\s+}{$&\\\$${module}::VERSION = '$dttzversion';}m" $f
+	perl -pi -e 's|-Inf|DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY|g;s|Inf|DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY|g' $f

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