Package: Severity: normal User: Usertags: transition
Hi, we would like to transition to ipython 5. The version currently in Debian (2.4.1) includes a notebook and a qt console. These components (at least the notebook functionality) were moved to the separate project jupyter. Because of this, the old ipython is replaced by a bunch of packages, which are currently in experimental: ipython ipykernel jupyter_client jupyter_core nbconvert nbformat Some additional are currently being packaged: ipywidgets ITP: #838684 jupyter-notebook ITP: #801366 widgetsnbextension ITP: #838683 There are two categories of ipython reverse dependencies: The ones that depend only on ipython and/or ipython3, and the ones that also depend on packages that do not exist anymore in this form in ipython 5, ipython(3)-notebook and ipython(3)-qtconsole. Below is a list of all these reverse dependencies. With the exception of yade, I was able to build all the ones that have a reverse dependency only on ipython(3) successfully against ipython 5.1.0-1. It is clear that apart from yade, the dependencies on ipython(3)-notebook and/or ipython(3)-qtconsole need special attention. I would start by filing bugs against these packages to see what needs to be done. They are: glueviz, lmfit-py, plotly, sardana, vistrails, yade The maintainer of lmfit-py and sardana already promised to take care of these packages: Would you say I should also file bugs against all the other affected packages? Here's the list of reverse dependencies, originating from dak: # Build-Depend only on ipython / ipython3: ipdb builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 matplotlib builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 nova builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 patsy builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 pysurfer builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 python-cycler builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 python-geopandas builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 python-skbio builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 sfepy builds with ipython 5.1.0-1 yade FTBFS with ipython 5.1.0-1 # Build-Depend on ipython(3)-notebook or ipython(3)-qtconsole: glueviz: ipython (>= 2.3.0) ipython3 (>= 2.3.0) ipython3-qtconsole (>= 2.3.0) lmfit-py: ipython-notebook ipython3-notebook plotly: ipython-notebook (>= 2.3.0) ipython3-notebook (>= 2.3.0) # Depend only on ipython / ipython3: accerciser: accerciser androguard: androguard connectomeviewer: connectomeviewer ipdb: python-ipdb python3-ipdb plaso: plaso pytango: python-pytango python3-pytango python-pypump: pypump-shell python-skbio: python-skbio python3-skbio rabbitvcs: rabbitvcs-core sfepy: python-sfepy woo: python-woo python3-woo yade: yade # Depend on ipython(3)-notebook or ipython(3)-qtconsole: glueviz: glueviz: ipython3 ipython3-qtconsole sardana: python-sardana: ipython ipython-qtconsole vistrails: vistrails: ipython-qtconsole Ben file: title = "ipython"; is_affected = .depends ~ "ipython" | .depends ~ "ipython3" | .depends ~ "ipython-notebook" | .depends ~ "ipython3-notebook" | .depends ~ "ipython- qtconsole" | .depends ~ "ipython3-qtconsole" | .depends ~ "ipython" | .depends ~ "ipython3"; is_good = .depends ~ "ipython" | .depends ~ "ipython3"; is_bad = .depends ~ "ipython-notebook" | .depends ~ "ipython3-notebook" | .depends ~ "ipython-qtconsole" | .depends ~ "ipython3-qtconsole"; Best, Tobias