Thanks for starting the g++-6 transition. I suspect/believe that I "own" a (small) stack which needs a transition policy:
-- the "R" language (source package r-base) encodes its configuration time choices for all subsequent compilations; here we have CXX and CXX1X (plus CXX1Y in next release) -- this could be overwritten but it easiest just to rebuild R -- R itself is largely C and Fortran and will not be affected -- C++ packages will. I am also upstream of the somewhat-widely used C++ interface in package Rcpp (source package rcpp). We need to rebuild it, and then all packages dependending on it. See [1] below. There may also be one or two C++ packages not using Rcpp such as r-cran-mcmcpack. I can weed those out by hand by running a script over rdepends for R as well. Actually just filtering rdepends for C++ works, see [2] -- Ditto for the QuantLib library (depending on Boost) and r-cran-rquantlib though that is a small leaf Is this "small potatos" and something I should organize informally with the package maintainers, or something you want to coordinate? I CC'ed Doko and Martin has I have been discussing an open bug report (which is somewhat false positive) concerning r-cran-rquantlib; this is really just the need for the same C++ compiler between R, Rcpp, QuantLib and RQuantLib (which this transition would achieve too). Let me know if I should take this to debian-devel or some other list. Thanks, Dirk [1] Direct depends of Rcpp root@docker:/# apt-cache rdepends r-cran-rcpp r-cran-rcpp Reverse Depends: r-cran-luminescence r-cran-rquantlib r-cran-xml2 r-cran-treescape r-cran-tibble r-cran-surveillance r-cran-shiny r-cran-rprotobuf r-cran-rncl r-cran-rinside r-cran-reshape2 r-cran-readxl r-cran-rcppeigen r-cran-rcpparmadillo r-cran-raster r-cran-plyr r-cran-minqa r-cran-amelia r-cran-htmltools r-cran-dplyr r-cran-bayesfactor root@docker:/# [2] Direct depends of C++ root@docker:/# apt-cache rdepends libstdc++6 | grep r-cran r-cran-rsymphony r-cran-rquantlib r-cran-rgl r-cran-rcpp r-cran-xml2 r-cran-treescape r-cran-tidyr r-cran-tibble r-cran-tgp r-cran-testthat r-cran-surveillance r-cran-stringi r-cran-spatstat r-cran-scales r-cran-rprotobuf r-cran-rncl r-cran-rjson r-cran-rjags r-cran-rinside r-cran-reshape2 r-cran-readxl r-cran-rcppeigen r-cran-rcpparmadillo r-cran-raster r-cran-randomfields r-cran-qtl r-cran-polyclip r-cran-plyr r-cran-phylobase r-cran-nmf r-cran-nloptr r-cran-minqa r-cran-luminescence r-cran-lhs r-cran-kernlab r-cran-int64 r-cran-igraph r-cran-httpuv r-cran-htmltools r-cran-genabel r-cran-geepack r-cran-gbm r-cran-fastcluster r-cran-etm r-cran-energy r-cran-e1071 r-cran-dplyr r-cran-distory r-cran-catools r-cran-biasedurn r-cran-bayesm r-cran-bayesfactor r-cran-amelia r-cran-mcmcpack r-cran-lme4 root@docker:/# apt-cache rdepends libstdc++6 | grep r-bioc r-bioc-shortread r-bioc-rsamtools r-bioc-genefilter r-bioc-edger r-bioc-deseq2 root@docker:/# -- | @eddelbuettel |