On Sun, 2015-12-27 13:49:02 +0100, Tobias Frost wrote:
> Hi,
> Now the stats read:
> Built: 417
> Failed: 112
> OK: 304
> To get forward, I drafted some MBF announcement on the Titanpad. Would
> be cool if some can check it and maybe improve it (writing is not my
> strength)
> https://titanpad.com/libpng16-transistion
> In the draft propose the following plan:
> 0. Assess situation (rebuld) -- done
> 1. MBF announcement
> 2. File bugs for packages failing to build or needing updates in the
>    B-Ds
> 2. Upload libpng1.6 to unstable, providing libpng-dev (after "GO" from
>    the release team)
> 2a Upload libpng1.2 without providing libpng-dev to unstable
> 3. Raise severity to RC
> 4. Prepare patches and NMU them
> 5. binNMU
> 6. fix remaining issues to finish transition
> 7. Remove libpng12 from unstable
> I'd go to upload 16 package with providing libpng-dev from day 1. and
> then in a second step (as it needs to pass NEW) provide libpng-dev as
> real package to allow versioned depends later. This second-step
> package can be cleared via experimental.
> Nobuhiro, what do you think? As said, now I'd have time
> Emilio/Release-Team: The plan sounds OK with you?

Dear Release-Team,

Do you agree with the plan above?



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