Processing commands for > block 650601 with 809859 809860 809861 809862 809863 809864 809865 809866 > 809867 809868 809869 809870 809871 809872 809873 809874 Bug #650601 [] transition: libpng 1.6 650601 was blocked by: 662421 742559 662407 662411 662381 649798 809835 662314 636998 649552 635946 809836 650483 636004 662522 662523 741901 649546 742569 641892 635704 809833 662273 648131 641889 650601 was blocking: 649556 649973 Added blocking bug(s) of 650601: 809862, 809872, 809867, 809864, 809865, 809863, 809874, 809859, 809866, 809868, 809871, 809870, 809873, 809860, 809861, and 809869 > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 650601: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems