Control: tag -1 confirmed

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 13:15:45 +0200, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:

> Package:
> Severity: normal
> Tags: jessie
> User:
> Usertags: pu
> I'd like to update vlc in jessie to the latest bug fix release in the 2.2.X
> series: 2.2.1. It includes fixes for potential NULL dereferences, crashes when
> playing FLAC and SPC files
> The Debian changelog is:
> vlc (2.2.1-1~deb8u1) jessie; urgency=medium
>   [ Sebastian Ramacher ]
>   * New upstream release.
>   * debian/patches: Remove patches, no longer needed.
>   [ Benjamin Drung ]
>   * drop/rules: Drop removed --enable-glx configure flag.
>  -- Sebastian Ramacher <>  Sat, 25 Apr 2015 23:00:04 +0200
So I have no particular objection to these changes (assuming none of
them turned out to be buggy and were reverted in 2.2.2).  I guess
#798763 / #798899 also apply here so you'd need a symbols file update.

For the next time, please bear in mind that review is faster and easier
if changes are small and their importance is explained.  The changelog
you provided is fairly sparse, meaning we get to reverse engineer what
happened, which does not a happy reviewer make.


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