Hello Adam,

Am Sonntag, den 13.12.2015, 20:12 +0000 schrieb Adam D. Barratt:
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> On Sun, 2015-12-13 at 20:59 +0100, Jörg Frings-Fürst wrote:
> > Correct CVE TEMP-0807110-881366
> +  * CVE TEMP-0807110-881366 (Closes: #807110):
> Don't do that. For one thing, "CVE TEMP-*" makes no sense - it's
> *not* a
> CVE identifier.
> TEMP-* identifiers are not meaningful outside of (or even guaranteed
> stable within) the Security Tracker and will cease to exist once a
> has been assigned. The Security Team have explicitly asked for them
> not
> to be used in changelogs - see
> https://lists.debian.org/20150514030904.GA30219@eldamar.local for
> example.
Sorry, I don't known that :-(

> +      + 0500-Port-to-webkit2gtk-40.patch
> [...]
> +    - Port to webkit2gtk-4.0:
> +      + debian/control Replace Build-Depeds libwebkitgtk-3.0-dev
> +        with libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev.
> That's not really the sort of thing we'd expect to see in a stable
> update, particularly when it results in:
>  7 files changed, 1152 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> Is there really no way of fixing this using the existing webkit
> version?

This has been discussed upstream controversial, but discarded.
If the changes are too large, fell free to close this bug.

> Regards,
> Adam

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Jörg Frings-Fürst
D-54526 Niederkail

Threema: SYR8SJXB

IRC: j_...@freenode.net

My wish list: 
 - Please send me a picture from the nature at your home.

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