Processing commands for > #804246 transition: gsl > #805740 3dldf: Update build dependencies for GSL 2 > #805746 aghermann: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805748 amide: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805749 asymptote: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805794 gbutils: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805799 kst: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805801 mathgl: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805814 mrtrix: Fails to build with GSL 2 > block 804246 by 805740 805746 805748 805749 805794 805799 805801 805814 Bug #804246 [] transition: gsl 804246 was blocked by: 804500 804499 804496 804498 804502 804495 804497 804501 804246 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 804246: 805799, 805748, 805740, 805794, 805814, 805746, 805801, and 805749 > #804246 transition: gsl > #805818 ocamlgsl: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805819 odin: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805823 openms: Fails to build with GSL 2) > #805824 pdl: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805829 r-cran-gsl: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805832 scidavis: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805834 siril: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805835 voxbo: Fails to build with GSL 2 > block 804246 by 805818 805819 805823 805824 805829 805832 805834 805835 Bug #804246 [] transition: gsl 804246 was blocked by: 804497 805801 804499 804495 804498 805799 805740 805748 804502 805814 804496 804500 805749 804501 805794 805746 804246 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 804246: 805834, 805835, 805819, 805818, 805823, 805829, 805832, and 805824 > #804246 transition: gsl > #805841 qtiplot: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805842 ruby-gsl: Fails to build with GSL 2 > #805844: Acknowledgement (herwig++: Fails to build with GSL 2 > block 804246 by 805841 805842 805844 Bug #804246 [] transition: gsl 804246 was blocked by: 805835 804495 804497 805834 804499 805801 805814 804502 805824 805823 805799 805748 805740 804498 804500 805749 804496 805794 805746 805819 805818 804501 805832 805829 804246 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 804246: 805841, 805842, and 805844 > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 804246: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems