
On Mon, 09 Nov 2015 17:15:39 +0000 "Adam D. Barratt" <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> 
> As far as I can see, that description is rather incomplete. The init
> script wasn't "not installed", it wasn't in the package at all.

you are right, it wasn’t here at all. So if it was not there, it wasn’t 
installed :).

> What's the function of swift-container-sync? Why is it important that
> the init script is added in stable?

I think it’s important. Without this function you can’t sync two containers 
between two clusters.
Details: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/overview_container_sync.html 

Ondřej Nový
vedoucí týmu vývoje

gsm: +420 777 963 207

ondrej.n...@firma.seznam.cz <mailto:ondrej.n...@firma.seznam.cz>
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