Severity: normal
Tags: jessie
Usertags: pu

This update fixes four minor security issues which don't warrant
a DSA. These have been tested in a production setup and were
working fine there.

Debdiff below.


diff -Nru pcre3-8.35/debian/changelog pcre3-8.35/debian/changelog
--- pcre3-8.35/debian/changelog 2014-12-06 19:58:27.000000000 +0100
+++ pcre3-8.35/debian/changelog 2015-08-16 13:38:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+pcre3 (2:8.35-3.3+deb8u1) jessie; urgency=medium
+  * CVE-2015-2325 CVE-2015-2326 CVE-2015-3210 CVE-2015-5073
+ -- Moritz Muehlenhoff <>  Sun, 16 Aug 2015 11:37:39 +0000
 pcre3 (2:8.35-3.3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff -Nru 
     1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
     2015-08-16 13:36:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+--- pcre3-8.35.orig/pcre_compile.c
++++ pcre3-8.35/pcre_compile.c
+@@ -549,6 +549,7 @@ static const char error_texts[] =
+   "group name must start with a non-digit\0"
+   /* 85 */
+   "parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)\0"
++  "digits missing in \\x{} or \\o{}\0"
+   ;
+ /* Table to identify digits and hex digits. This is used when compiling
+@@ -3936,14 +3937,14 @@ Arguments:
+   adjust     the amount by which the group is to be moved
+   utf        TRUE in UTF-8 / UTF-16 / UTF-32 mode
+   cd         contains pointers to tables etc.
+-  save_hwm   the hwm forward reference pointer at the start of the group
++  save_hwm_offset   the hwm forward reference offset at the start of the group
+ Returns:     nothing
+ */
+ static void
+ adjust_recurse(pcre_uchar *group, int adjust, BOOL utf, compile_data *cd,
+-  pcre_uchar *save_hwm)
++  size_t save_hwm_offset)
+ {
+ pcre_uchar *ptr = group;
+@@ -3955,7 +3956,8 @@ while ((ptr = (pcre_uchar *)find_recurse
+   /* See if this recursion is on the forward reference list. If so, adjust the
+   reference. */
+-  for (hc = save_hwm; hc < cd->hwm; hc += LINK_SIZE)
++  for (hc = (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + save_hwm_offset; hc < cd->hwm;
++       hc += LINK_SIZE)
+     {
+     offset = (int)GET(hc, 0);
+     if (cd->start_code + offset == ptr + 1)
+@@ -4400,7 +4402,7 @@ const pcre_uchar *tempptr;
+ const pcre_uchar *nestptr = NULL;
+ pcre_uchar *previous = NULL;
+ pcre_uchar *previous_callout = NULL;
+-pcre_uchar *save_hwm = NULL;
++size_t save_hwm_offset = 0;
+ pcre_uint8 classbits[32];
+ /* We can fish out the UTF-8 setting once and for all into a BOOL, but we
+@@ -5912,7 +5914,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+         if (repeat_max <= 1)    /* Covers 0, 1, and unlimited */
+           {
+           *code = OP_END;
+-          adjust_recurse(previous, 1, utf, cd, save_hwm);
++          adjust_recurse(previous, 1, utf, cd, save_hwm_offset);
+           memmove(previous + 1, previous, IN_UCHARS(len));
+           code++;
+           if (repeat_max == 0)
+@@ -5936,7 +5938,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+           {
+           int offset;
+           *code = OP_END;
+-          adjust_recurse(previous, 2 + LINK_SIZE, utf, cd, save_hwm);
++          adjust_recurse(previous, 2 + LINK_SIZE, utf, cd, save_hwm_offset);
+           memmove(previous + 2 + LINK_SIZE, previous, IN_UCHARS(len));
+           code += 2 + LINK_SIZE;
+           *previous++ = OP_BRAZERO + repeat_type;
+@@ -5999,26 +6001,25 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+             for (i = 1; i < repeat_min; i++)
+               {
+               pcre_uchar *hc;
+-              pcre_uchar *this_hwm = cd->hwm;
++              size_t this_hwm_offset = cd->hwm - cd->start_workspace;
+               memcpy(code, previous, IN_UCHARS(len));
+               while (cd->hwm > cd->start_workspace + cd->workspace_size -
+-                     WORK_SIZE_SAFETY_MARGIN - (this_hwm - save_hwm))
++                     WORK_SIZE_SAFETY_MARGIN -
++                     (this_hwm_offset - save_hwm_offset))
+                 {
+-                int save_offset = save_hwm - cd->start_workspace;
+-                int this_offset = this_hwm - cd->start_workspace;
+                 *errorcodeptr = expand_workspace(cd);
+                 if (*errorcodeptr != 0) goto FAILED;
+-                save_hwm = (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + save_offset;
+-                this_hwm = (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + this_offset;
+                 }
+-              for (hc = save_hwm; hc < this_hwm; hc += LINK_SIZE)
++              for (hc = (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + save_hwm_offset;
++                   hc < (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + this_hwm_offset;
++                   hc += LINK_SIZE)
+                 {
+                 PUT(cd->hwm, 0, GET(hc, 0) + len);
+                 cd->hwm += LINK_SIZE;
+                 }
+-              save_hwm = this_hwm;
++              save_hwm_offset = this_hwm_offset;
+               code += len;
+               }
+             }
+@@ -6063,7 +6064,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+         else for (i = repeat_max - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+           {
+           pcre_uchar *hc;
+-          pcre_uchar *this_hwm = cd->hwm;
++          size_t this_hwm_offset = cd->hwm - cd->start_workspace;
+           *code++ = OP_BRAZERO + repeat_type;
+@@ -6085,22 +6086,21 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+           copying them. */
+           while (cd->hwm > cd->start_workspace + cd->workspace_size -
+-                 WORK_SIZE_SAFETY_MARGIN - (this_hwm - save_hwm))
++                 WORK_SIZE_SAFETY_MARGIN -
++                 (this_hwm_offset - save_hwm_offset))
+             {
+-            int save_offset = save_hwm - cd->start_workspace;
+-            int this_offset = this_hwm - cd->start_workspace;
+             *errorcodeptr = expand_workspace(cd);
+             if (*errorcodeptr != 0) goto FAILED;
+-            save_hwm = (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + save_offset;
+-            this_hwm = (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + this_offset;
+             }
+-          for (hc = save_hwm; hc < this_hwm; hc += LINK_SIZE)
++          for (hc = (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + save_hwm_offset;
++               hc < (pcre_uchar *)cd->start_workspace + this_hwm_offset;
++               hc += LINK_SIZE)
+             {
+             PUT(cd->hwm, 0, GET(hc, 0) + len + ((i != 0)? 2+LINK_SIZE : 1));
+             cd->hwm += LINK_SIZE;
+             }
+-          save_hwm = this_hwm;
++          save_hwm_offset = this_hwm_offset;
+           code += len;
+           }
+@@ -6196,7 +6196,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+               {
+               int nlen = (int)(code - bracode);
+               *code = OP_END;
+-              adjust_recurse(bracode, 1 + LINK_SIZE, utf, cd, save_hwm);
++              adjust_recurse(bracode, 1 + LINK_SIZE, utf, cd, 
+               memmove(bracode + 1 + LINK_SIZE, bracode, IN_UCHARS(nlen));
+               code += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
+               nlen += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
+@@ -6330,7 +6330,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+         else
+           {
+           *code = OP_END;
+-          adjust_recurse(tempcode, 1 + LINK_SIZE, utf, cd, save_hwm);
++          adjust_recurse(tempcode, 1 + LINK_SIZE, utf, cd, save_hwm_offset);
+           memmove(tempcode + 1 + LINK_SIZE, tempcode, IN_UCHARS(len));
+           code += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
+           len += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
+@@ -6379,7 +6379,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+         default:
+         *code = OP_END;
+-        adjust_recurse(tempcode, 1 + LINK_SIZE, utf, cd, save_hwm);
++        adjust_recurse(tempcode, 1 + LINK_SIZE, utf, cd, save_hwm_offset);
+         memmove(tempcode + 1 + LINK_SIZE, tempcode, IN_UCHARS(len));
+         code += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
+         len += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
+@@ -6411,7 +6411,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+     newoptions = options;
+     skipbytes = 0;
+     bravalue = OP_CBRA;
+-    save_hwm = cd->hwm;
++    save_hwm_offset = cd->hwm - cd->start_workspace;
+     reset_bracount = FALSE;
+     /* First deal with various "verbs" that can be introduced by '*'. */
+@@ -7086,14 +7086,26 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+           number. If the name is not found, set the value to 0 for a forward
+           reference. */
++          recno = 0;
+           ng = cd->named_groups;
+           for (i = 0; i < cd->names_found; i++, ng++)
+             {
+             if (namelen == ng->length &&
+                 STRNCMP_UC_UC(name, ng->name, namelen) == 0)
+-              break;
++              {
++              open_capitem *oc;
++              recno = ng->number;
++              if (is_recurse) break;
++              for (oc = cd->open_caps; oc != NULL; oc = oc->next)
++                {
++                if (oc->number == recno)
++                  {
++                  oc->flag = TRUE;
++                  break;
++                  }
++                }
++              }
+             }
+-          recno = (i < cd->names_found)? ng->number : 0;
+           /* Count named back references. */
+@@ -7704,7 +7716,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+         const pcre_uchar *p;
+         pcre_uint32 cf;
+-        save_hwm = cd->hwm;   /* Normally this is set when '(' is read */
++        save_hwm_offset = cd->hwm - cd->start_workspace;   /* Normally this 
is set when '(' is read */
+         terminator = (*(++ptr) == CHAR_LESS_THAN_SIGN)?
+@@ -8031,6 +8043,7 @@ int length;
+ unsigned int orig_bracount;
+ unsigned int max_bracount;
+ branch_chain bc;
++size_t save_hwm_offset;
+ /* If set, call the external function that checks for stack availability. */
+@@ -8048,6 +8061,8 @@ bc.current_branch = code;
+ firstchar = reqchar = 0;
+ firstcharflags = reqcharflags = REQ_UNSET;
++save_hwm_offset = cd->hwm - cd->start_workspace;
+ /* Accumulate the length for use in the pre-compile phase. Start with the
+ length of the BRA and KET and any extra bytes that are required at the
+ beginning. We accumulate in a local variable to save frequent testing of
+@@ -8241,12 +8256,16 @@ for (;;)
+     /* If it was a capturing subpattern, check to see if it contained any
+     recursive back references. If so, we must wrap it in atomic brackets.
+-    In any event, remove the block from the chain. */
++    Because we are moving code along, we must ensure that any pending 
++    references are updated. In any event, remove the block from the chain. */
+     if (capnumber > 0)
+       {
+       if (cd->open_caps->flag)
+         {
++        *code = OP_END;
++        adjust_recurse(start_bracket, 1 + LINK_SIZE,
++          (options & PCRE_UTF8) != 0, cd, save_hwm_offset);
+         memmove(start_bracket + 1 + LINK_SIZE, start_bracket,
+           IN_UCHARS(code - start_bracket));
+         *start_bracket = OP_ONCE;
+@@ -9265,7 +9284,7 @@ OP_RECURSE that are not fixed length get
+ exceptional ones forgo this. We scan the pattern to check that they are fixed
+ length, and set their lengths. */
+-if (cd->check_lookbehind)
++if (errorcode == 0 && cd->check_lookbehind)
+   {
+   pcre_uchar *cc = (pcre_uchar *)codestart;
+--- pcre3-8.35.orig/testdata/testinput11
++++ pcre3-8.35/testdata/testinput11
+@@ -132,4 +132,8 @@ is required for these tests. --/
+ /abc(d|e)(*THEN)x(123(*THEN)4|567(b|q)(*THEN)xx)/B
+ /-- End of testinput11 --/
+--- pcre3-8.35.orig/testdata/testinput2
++++ pcre3-8.35/testdata/testinput2
+@@ -4035,6 +4035,8 @@ backtracking verbs. --/
+ /(?(R&6yh)abc)/
+ /-- Test the ugly "start or end of word" compatibility syntax --/
+ /[[:<:]]red[[:>:]]/BZ
+@@ -4062,4 +4064,12 @@ backtracking verbs. --/
+ /(((((a)))))/Q
+ /-- End of testinput2 --/
+--- pcre3-8.35.orig/testdata/testoutput11-16
++++ pcre3-8.35/testdata/testoutput11-16
+@@ -709,4 +709,43 @@ Memory allocation (code space): 14
+  62     End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
++  0  39 Bra
++  2     Brazero
++  3  32 SCBra 1
++  6  27 Once
++  8  12 CBra 2
++ 11   7 CBra 3
++ 14     a
++ 16     \2
++ 18   7 Ket
++ 20  11 Alt
++ 22   5 CBra 4
++ 25     a*
++ 27   5 Ket
++ 29  22 Recurse
++ 31  23 Ket
++ 33  27 Ket
++ 35  32 KetRmax
++ 37     a?+
++ 39  39 Ket
++ 41     End
++  0  20 Bra
++  2  16 Once
++  4  12 CBra 1
++  7   9 Recurse
++  9   5 CBra 2
++ 12     \1
++ 14   5 Ket
++ 16  12 Ket
++ 18  16 Ket
++ 20  20 Ket
++ 22     End
+ /-- End of testinput11 --/
+--- pcre3-8.35.orig/testdata/testoutput11-32
++++ pcre3-8.35/testdata/testoutput11-32
+@@ -709,4 +709,43 @@ Memory allocation (code space): 28
+  62     End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
++  0  39 Bra
++  2     Brazero
++  3  32 SCBra 1
++  6  27 Once
++  8  12 CBra 2
++ 11   7 CBra 3
++ 14     a
++ 16     \2
++ 18   7 Ket
++ 20  11 Alt
++ 22   5 CBra 4
++ 25     a*
++ 27   5 Ket
++ 29  22 Recurse
++ 31  23 Ket
++ 33  27 Ket
++ 35  32 KetRmax
++ 37     a?+
++ 39  39 Ket
++ 41     End
++  0  20 Bra
++  2  16 Once
++  4  12 CBra 1
++  7   9 Recurse
++  9   5 CBra 2
++ 12     \1
++ 14   5 Ket
++ 16  12 Ket
++ 18  16 Ket
++ 20  20 Ket
++ 22     End
+ /-- End of testinput11 --/
+--- pcre3-8.35.orig/testdata/testoutput11-8
++++ pcre3-8.35/testdata/testoutput11-8
+@@ -709,4 +709,43 @@ Memory allocation (code space): 10
+  76     End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
++  0  57 Bra
++  3     Brazero
++  4  48 SCBra 1
++  9  40 Once
++ 12  18 CBra 2
++ 17  10 CBra 3
++ 22     a
++ 24     \2
++ 27  10 Ket
++ 30  16 Alt
++ 33   7 CBra 4
++ 38     a*
++ 40   7 Ket
++ 43  33 Recurse
++ 46  34 Ket
++ 49  40 Ket
++ 52  48 KetRmax
++ 55     a?+
++ 57  57 Ket
++ 60     End
++  0  31 Bra
++  3  25 Once
++  6  19 CBra 1
++ 11  14 Recurse
++ 14   8 CBra 2
++ 19     \1
++ 22   8 Ket
++ 25  19 Ket
++ 28  25 Ket
++ 31  31 Ket
++ 34     End
+ /-- End of testinput11 --/
+--- pcre3-8.35.orig/testdata/testoutput2
++++ pcre3-8.35/testdata/testoutput2
+@@ -14093,6 +14093,30 @@ Failed: malformed number or name after (
+ /(?(R&6yh)abc)/
+ Failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 5
++        Bra
++        Brazero
++        SCBra 1
++        Once
++        CBra 2
++        CBra 3
++        a
++        \2
++        Ket
++        Alt
++        CBra 4
++        a*
++        Ket
++        Recurse
++        Ket
++        Ket
++        KetRmax
++        a?+
++        Ket
++        End
+ /-- Test the ugly "start or end of word" compatibility syntax --/
+ /[[:<:]]red[[:>:]]/BZ
+@@ -14149,4 +14173,26 @@ Failed: parentheses are too deeply neste
+ /(((((a)))))/Q
+ ** Missing 0 or 1 after /Q
++        Bra
++        Once
++        CBra 1
++        Recurse
++        CBra 2
++        \1
++        Ket
++        Ket
++        Ket
++        Ket
++        End
++Failed: unmatched parentheses at offset 23
+ /-- End of testinput2 --/
diff -Nru pcre3-8.35/debian/patches/series pcre3-8.35/debian/patches/series
--- pcre3-8.35/debian/patches/series    2014-12-06 19:58:27.000000000 +0100
+++ pcre3-8.35/debian/patches/series    2015-08-16 13:37:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@

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