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On Fri, 2015-06-26 at 19:07 +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> #785727 describes a regression in the version of nbd-server in jessie
> wrt the one in wheezy, related to the "allow" configuration file. It's
> not a security-related bug (as it disallows more than it should), but
> it's still a problem.
> I'm not sure how often the "allow" feature is used, however, and if the
> file is not in use, nbd-server will work perfectly well. It provides
> additional functionality above a firewall if someone would like to allow
> access to some, but not all, exports from a particular range of IP
> addresses; but beyond that, it's not very important.
> Is this something that would warrant a stable update?

Potentially, but a) the metadata for #785727 implies that the bug
currently affects the version of nbd in unstable, which would need
resolving first and b) we'd want to see a full debdiff for a package
built and tested on jessie in order to confirm.



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