Control: retitle -1 pu: package stunnel4/3:5.06-2+deb8u1

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 10:35:28PM +0100, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
> Control: retitle -1 pu: package stunnel4/3:5.06-3
> Control: tag -1 jessie
> On Wed, Apr 08, 2015 at 02:32:49PM +0300, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> > This is a pre-approval request for unblocking a RC bugfix upload of
> > stunnel4 that will fix two RC bugs:
> > - #771421 - makes stunnel unusable for some users in certain
> >   configurations; not for everyone, but still, it happens too often to
> >   be ignored
> > - #782030 - makes stunnel start and stop properly, checking whether
> >   the action has actually succeeded
> Deferring to a point release; SRM will confirm after release.

OK, here's an updated debdiff that retargets the upload towards
stable-proposed-updates; the only change is the header and the footer
of the changelog entry itself.


Peter Pentchev
PGP key:
Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115  C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13
diff -Nru stunnel4-5.06/debian/changelog stunnel4-5.06/debian/changelog
--- stunnel4-5.06/debian/changelog      2014-11-28 11:08:35.000000000 +0200
+++ stunnel4-5.06/debian/changelog      2015-04-26 01:34:49.000000000 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+stunnel4 (3:5.06-2+deb8u1) stable-proposed-updates; urgency=medium
+  * Add the 17-upstream-hangup patch to fix prematurely closed
+    connections when there is still data to be written.
+    Thanks to Joachim Falk for backporting the patch!
+    Closes: #771241
+  * Add the 18-lsb-startup patch to make the daemons' startup consistent
+    with the way things are done in Debian.
+    Among other things, Closes: #782030
+ -- Peter Pentchev <>  Sun, 26 Apr 2015 01:34:42 +0300
 stunnel4 (3:5.06-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Limit the systemd build dependency to Linux architectures only,
diff -Nru stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/17-upstream-hangup.patch 
--- stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/17-upstream-hangup.patch       1970-01-01 
02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/17-upstream-hangup.patch       2015-04-24 
10:53:33.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Description: Fix premature data truncation in the POLLRDHUP handling
+Origin: upstream;
+Last-Update: 2015-03-04
+--- a/src/client.c
++++ b/src/client.c
+@@ -515,6 +515,11 @@
+     int write_wants_read=0, write_wants_write=0;
+     /* actual conditions on file descriptors */
+     int sock_can_rd, sock_can_wr, ssl_can_rd, ssl_can_wr;
++#ifdef USE_WIN32
++    unsigned long bytes;
++    int bytes;
+     c->sock_ptr=c->ssl_ptr=0;
+@@ -810,32 +815,44 @@
+         }
+         /****************************** check for hangup conditions */
+-        if(s_poll_rdhup(c->fds, c->sock_rfd->fd)) {
+-            s_log(LOG_INFO, "Read socket closed (hangup)");
++        /* */
++        /* readsocket() must be the last sock_rfd operation before FIONREAD */
++        if(sock_open_rd && s_poll_rdhup(c->fds, c->sock_rfd->fd) &&
++                (ioctlsocket(c->sock_rfd->fd, FIONREAD, &bytes) || !bytes)) {
++            s_log(LOG_INFO, "Read socket closed (read hangup)");
+             sock_open_rd=0;
+         }
+-        if(s_poll_hup(c->fds, c->sock_wfd->fd)) {
++        if(sock_open_wr && s_poll_hup(c->fds, c->sock_wfd->fd)) {
+             if(c->ssl_ptr) {
+                 s_log(LOG_ERR,
+-                    "Write socket closed (hangup) with %d unsent byte(s)",
++                    "Write socket closed (write hangup) with %d unsent 
+                     c->ssl_ptr);
+                 longjmp(c->err, 1); /* reset the socket */
+             }
+-            s_log(LOG_INFO, "Write socket closed (hangup)");
++            s_log(LOG_INFO, "Write socket closed (write hangup)");
+             sock_open_wr=0;
+         }
+-        if(s_poll_hup(c->fds, c->ssl_rfd->fd) ||
+-                s_poll_hup(c->fds, c->ssl_wfd->fd)) {
++        /* SSL_read() must be the last ssl_rfd operation before FIONREAD */
++        if(!(SSL_get_shutdown(c->ssl)&SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN) &&
++                s_poll_rdhup(c->fds, c->ssl_rfd->fd) &&
++                (ioctlsocket(c->ssl_rfd->fd, FIONREAD, &bytes) || !bytes)) {
+             /* hangup -> buggy (e.g. Microsoft) peer:
+              * SSL socket closed without close_notify alert */
++            s_log(LOG_INFO, "SSL socket closed (read hangup)");
++            SSL_set_shutdown(c->ssl,
++                SSL_get_shutdown(c->ssl)|SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN);
++        }
++        if(!(SSL_get_shutdown(c->ssl)&SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN) &&
++                s_poll_hup(c->fds, c->ssl_wfd->fd)) {
+             if(c->sock_ptr || write_wants_write) {
+                 s_log(LOG_ERR,
+-                    "SSL socket closed (hangup) with %d unsent byte(s)",
++                    "SSL socket closed (write hangup) with %d unsent byte(s)",
+                     c->sock_ptr);
+                 longjmp(c->err, 1); /* reset the socket */
+             }
+-            s_log(LOG_INFO, "SSL socket closed (hangup)");
+-            SSL_set_shutdown(c->ssl, SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN|SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN);
++            s_log(LOG_INFO, "SSL socket closed (write hangup)");
++            SSL_set_shutdown(c->ssl,
++                SSL_get_shutdown(c->ssl)|SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN);
+         }
+         /****************************** check write shutdown conditions */
diff -Nru stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/18-lsb-startup.patch 
--- stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/18-lsb-startup.patch   1970-01-01 
02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/18-lsb-startup.patch   2015-04-24 
10:53:33.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+Description: Use the LSB start/stop functions in the init script
+Author: Peter Pentchev <>
+Forwarded: not needed
+Last-Update: 2014-04-08
+--- a/tools/
++++ b/tools/
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+     grep -i "^$2=" | sed -e "s;^[^=]*=;;"
+ }
+-get_pids() {
++get_pidfile() {
+   local file=$1
+   if [ -f $file ]; then
+     CHROOT=`get_opt $file chroot`
+@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
+     if [ "$PIDFILE" = "" ]; then
+     fi
+-    if [ -f $CHROOT/$PIDFILE ]; then
+-      cat $CHROOT/$PIDFILE
+-    fi
++    echo "$CHROOT/$PIDFILE"
+   fi
+ }
+ startdaemons() {
++  local res file args pidfile warn status
+   if ! [ -d /var/run/stunnel4 ]; then
+     rm -rf /var/run/stunnel4
+     install -d -o stunnel4 -g stunnel4 /var/run/stunnel4
+@@ -51,52 +51,81 @@
+   if [ -n "$RLIMITS" ]; then
+     ulimit $RLIMITS
+   fi
++  res=0
+   for file in $FILES; do 
+     if [ -f $file ]; then
+-      ARGS="$file $OPTIONS"
+-      PROCLIST=`get_pids $file`
++      echo -n " $file: "
++      args="$file $OPTIONS"
++      pidfile=`get_pidfile $file`
+       if egrep -qe '^pid[[:space:]]*=' "$file"; then
+-      warn=''
++        warn=''
+       else
+-      warn=' (no pid=pidfile specified!)'
++        warn=' (no pid=pidfile specified!)'
+       fi
+-      if [ "$PROCLIST" ] && kill -s 0 $PROCLIST 2>/dev/null; then
+-        echo -n "[Already running$warn: $file] "
+-      elif $DAEMON $ARGS; then
+-      echo -n "[Started$warn: $file] "
++      status=0
++      start_daemon -p "$pidfile" "$DAEMON" $args || status=$?
++      if [ "$status" -eq 0 ]; then
++        echo -n "started$warn"
+       else
+-      echo "[Failed$warn: $file]"
+-      echo "You should check that you have specified the pid= in you 
configuration file"
+-      exit 1
++        echo "failed$warn"
++        echo "You should check that you have specified the pid= in you 
configuration file"
++        res=1
+       fi
+     fi
+   done;
++  echo ''
++  return "$res"
+ }
+ killdaemons()
+ {
+-  SIGNAL=${1:-TERM}
++  local sig file pidfile status
++  sig=${1:-TERM}
++  res=0
+   for file in $FILES; do
+-    PROCLIST=`get_pids $file`
+-    if [ "$PROCLIST" ] && kill -s 0 $PROCLIST 2>/dev/null; then
+-       kill -s $SIGNAL $PROCLIST
+-       echo -n "[stopped: $file] "
++    echo -n " $file: "
++    pidfile=`get_pidfile $file`
++    if [ ! -e "$pidfile" ]; then
++      echo -n "no pid file"
++    else
++      status=0
++      killproc -p "$pidfile" "$DAEMON" "$sig" || status=$?
++      if [ "$status" -eq 0 ]; then
++        echo -n 'stopped'
++      else
++        echo -n 'failed'
++        res=1
++      fi
+     fi
+   done
++  echo ''
++  return "$res"
+ }
+ querydaemons()
+ {
++  local res file pidfile status
+   res=0
+-  echo -n "$DESC status:"
+   for file in $FILES; do
+     echo -n " $file: "
+-    PROCLIST=`get_pids $file`
+-    if [ "$PROCLIST" ] && kill -s 0 $PROCLIST 2>/dev/null; then
+-      echo -n 'running'
+-    else
+-      echo -n 'stopped'
++    pidfile=`get_pidfile "$file"`
++    if [ ! -e "$pidfile" ]; then
++      echo -n 'no pid file'
+       res=1
++    else
++      status=0
++      pidofproc -p "$pidfile" "$DAEMON" >/dev/null || status="$?"
++      if [ "$status" = 0 ]; then
++        echo -n 'running'
++      elif [ "$status" = 4 ]; then
++        echo "cannot access the pid file $pidfile"
++        res=1
++      else
++        echo -n 'stopped'
++        res=1
++      fi
+     fi
+   done
+   echo ''
+@@ -133,42 +162,43 @@
+ set -e
+ case "$1" in
+   start)
+-        echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
++        echo -n "Starting $DESC:"
+         startdaemons
+-        echo "$NAME."
++        res=$?
+         ;;
+   stop)
+-        echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
++        echo -n "Stopping $DESC:"
+         killdaemons
+-        echo "$NAME."
++        res=$?
+         ;;
+   reopen-logs)
+-        echo -n "Reopening log files $DESC: "
++        echo -n "Reopening log files $DESC:"
+         killdaemons USR1
+-        echo "$NAME."
++        res=$?
+         ;;
+   force-reload|reload)
+-        echo -n "Reloading configuration $DESC: "
++        echo -n "Reloading configuration $DESC:"
+         killdaemons HUP
+-        echo "$NAME."
++        res=$?
+         ;;  
+   restart)
+-        echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
+-        killdaemons
+-        sleep 5
+-        startdaemons
+-        echo "$NAME."
++        echo -n "Restarting $DESC:"
++        killdaemons && startdaemons
++        res=$?
+         ;;
+   status)
+-      querydaemons
+-      ;;
++        echo -n "$DESC status:"
++        querydaemons
++        res=$?
++        ;;
+   *)
+         N=/etc/init.d/$NAME
+         echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|status|reload|reopen-logs|restart} 
[<stunnel instance>]" >&2
+-        exit 1
++        res=1
+         ;;
+ esac
+-exit 0
++exit "$res"
diff -Nru stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/series 
--- stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/series 2014-10-16 14:24:04.000000000 +0300
+++ stunnel4-5.06/debian/patches/series 2015-04-24 10:53:33.000000000 +0300
@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@

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