Package: release-notes
Severity: normal

here's a last minute addition to the release notes; mediawiki wasn't
updated in jessie and the current 1.19 release series will be EOLed
next month.

The backported 1.19 fixes for wheezy-security can be reused for
jessie, so limit the support in jessie until the end of standard
wheezy support (April 2016).

The proper way to address this would have been the removal from
jessie, but mediawiki has rdeps which we cannot address at this point
of the freeze.

This will be complemented with an update for debian-security-support
released through jessie-security.

Index: issues.dbk
--- issues.dbk	(Revision 10781)
+++ issues.dbk	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -55,6 +55,13 @@
+<section id="mediawiki">
+<title>Security support for mediawiki limited to one year</title>
+  Mediawiki is only covered by security support until April 2016.
 <section id="libv8">
   <!-- Wheezy to Jessie (Re-check for Stretch) -->
 <title>Lack of security support for the ecosystem around libv8 and

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