Control: tags -1 d-i

On 2015-01-25 22:23, Michael Biebl wrote:
> [...]
> Martin uploaded -10 in the meantime, fixing this issue (#775889,
> #775404), along with two other fixes:
> [...]


Thanks for the update.

I have re-instated my unblock hint and updated it to affect 215-10.
(Re-)CC'ing KiBi for a d-i ack.

> [...]
> As a heads up, it's very likely, that we have one or two more uploads
> before the release.
> That said, it's definitely better, to have 215-10 in testing now, then
> waiting for those upcoming uploads.
> [...]

Thanks for the heads up.

Do you have an ETA on the next upload(s)?  It would help me get a better
picture of the earliest possible date for the Jessie release.


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